Space Apps Huntsville, AL was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 169 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 36 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Huntsville, AL!

Local People's Choice Winner
The people have spoken! This is the project that captured our hearts.
Global Nominees
We wish our global nominees the best of luck!
Huntsville's Legacy of Aerospace: Past, Present, & Future.
Celebrating Over 100 Years of Innovation in The Rocket City
Our city thrives when challenges are met with creative solutions that spark innovation. With our non-profit innovation accelerator Urban Engine, your ideas and the community behind The Rocket City can make a global impact on the future of space exploration for the good of humankind.
Will you write history at #SpaceAppsHSV?
Visit our website to learn more!
Want to get involved with the Urban Engine?
Head over to to get jiggy with it
Schedule (All times US/Central)
Friday, October 19th
Event Check In - Breakfast and Coffee
Global NASA Space Apps Welcome & Urban Engine Special Guest Introductions
(All Day!) Space Apps Expo: Trade Show & Career Fair Showcase
Live Data Bootcamp Workshops Powered by Urban Engine
Global NASA Space Apps KickOff Broadcast & Passion Panel Rocket Chats from Legendary Aerospace Experts
Closing Remarks & VIP Celebrations
Saturday, October 20th
Fresh Breakfast & Coffee sponsored by
- Team Registration & Participants Commit Event Check-Ins
- (Morning Only!) Space Apps Expo: Trade Show & Career FairMorning Breakouts - Find Your Team!
- Urban Engine's Team Structure Recommendations:
2 coders, 1 designer, 1 subject matter expert, 1 video or pitch producerOpening Remarks from Urban Engine & Special Guests
Keynotes - A Few Words From Our Generous Event Sponsors
Ramp Up Time: Chat with Mentors & Subject Matter ExpertsHackathon Begins! Review All Challenges at Space Apps Challenge Website
- Cafe Lunch sponsored by ASmartPlace.comUrban Engine Pitch Practice Workshops Begin
Grab and Go Lunch sponsored by U.S. Space & Rocket CenterRequired Curfew Call - Dismissal of High School Hackathon Teams
Midnight Snackage sponsored by
Midnight Snackage sponsored by AEgis Technologies
Sunday, September 23rd
Breakfast, Coffee & Stretches sponsored by Booz Allen Hamilton
Lunch at the Cafe, provided by
Code Freeze! All hacking will stop, facilitated by Urban Engine
Teams will have 30 minutes to upload solutions and 2 minute youtube pitch online: Space Apps Challenge & SpaceAppsHSV. Solutions must be received on the Global Space Apps Challenge website by 2:30PM.Special Guest Speakers! Judges will meet with teams for their 2 minute pitches.
Pitches Begin & Judges Deliberate. After preliminaries are determined, the selected teams in each judging category will then present again for global rounds.
Award Ceremony! The moment we have all been waiting for… Judges will announce the winners of each category.
May the best solutions win!
Celebratory Dinner & Drinks - Sponsored by Booz Allen Hamilton
This event is proudly powered by the non-profit ideation accelerator known as Urban Engine.