Space Apps Singapore was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 154 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 25 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Singapore!

Local People's Choice Winner
The people have spoken! This is the project that captured our hearts.
Global Nominees
We wish our global nominees the best of luck!
Join Singapore's own edition of Space Apps Challenge 2018 and use NASA's data to design a solution that solves a real world challenge or just take the opportunity to expand your knowledge of the greater Universe.
Don't know much about space? No worries! Sign up for our Pre-Hackathon Workshop where you can meet ex-NASA scientist and astropreneur, Bidushi Bhattacharya and learn about harnessing the power of data for the hackathon.
Schedule (All times Asia/Singapore)
Tuesday, October 16th
Pre-hackathon Workshop
Happening 6.30pm onward at LEVEL3
● Introducing Space Apps Challenge 2018 & Challenge Statements
● The "NewSpace" era
● Exploring data for Space Apps Challenge 2018
● Group Discussions & Networking
Register for our pre-hackathon workshop at
Saturday, October 20th
Launch of NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018
9 am - 9 pm
● Idea Pitching
● Team Formation
● Mentor Consultations
Sunday, October 21st
Pitch Day of NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018
9 am to 6 pm
● Pitch Clinic
● Presentation to Judges
● Prize Ceremony