The Challenge | Looking GLOBE-ally

Analyze and/or display data to communicate interesting findings or improve public understanding of our home planet.


Kairos is an app that tells the user about multiple physical features of the location (such as forest cover, terrain, water distribution etc). How: Analyses satellite images. UseCase: Spot ideal sites for relocation as part of disaster management & relief.


- Using NASA satellite imagery, obtain images of specific location via APIs

- Analyse image for forest cover, land area, water bodies.

- Based on results of image analysis, presents overall recommendation percentage to possible nearby locations and presents the top 4-5 locations on the interface. Each recommended location can then be viewed for scoring results and attributes.

- Scores the different attributes, based on preset weights (future: weights configurable by users through intuitive inputs.

- Route finding feature: (Incomplete): Proposed integration with Google Maps.

- View dashboard feature (incomplete): Proposed - data visualisations making insights and trends clear to users - to assist in disaster management, emergency preparedness and disaster relief planning.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.