Space Apps Albuquerque, NM was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 4 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 2 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Albuquerque, NM!

Local People's Choice Winner
The people have spoken! This is the project that captured our hearts.
Global Nominees
We wish our global nominees the best of luck!
UNM's Women in Computing and the UNM Student Chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery host the 2018 NASA Space Apps Challenge in Albuquerque!
Space Apps is an international open-source hackathon that occurs over 48 hours in cities around the world. Coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, technologists, and everyone enthusiastic about curiosity come together to address challenges we face on Earth and in space!
The challenge categories are available here. The challenges themselves are available now, but we ask that you don't start on a project until the event begins.
The best two projects overall will advance to global judging by NASA, and receive the following prizes:
1st: Two tickets to Meow Wolf in Santa Fe
2nd: $15 Starbucks gift card
Will there be food provided?
The most important question! Pizza will be provided during lunchtime Saturday and during judging Sunday evening for registered participants. Light snacks and some beverages will be provided throughout the event.
Who can participate?
Everyone of all ages can participate! We expect UNM students, high school students, and community members to join. In accordance with NASA's rules, we ask that participants under the age of 13 be registered by and accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
How do I participate? Do I need a team?
Register to participate here on the site, and then bring your laptop or whatever materials you'll need with you. You can get your friends together to form a team, or find other participants or existing teams to join during the event itself. We'll have a few minutes after the opening ceremony Friday and during Saturday morning for anyone who would like to join or recruit to their teams to mingle.
How do I register or submit my project for judging?
Registration and project submission occurs through this website. Some instructions are here:
What are the judged categories, and what are the prizes?
Our judges panel will be made up of coders, artists, designers, and makers. We encourage you to participate no matter your medium. The judged categories and some project inspiration are available here: Rules and eligibility requirements are available here: First- and second-place Albuquerque entries will advance to Global Judging by the NASA team. NASA will select Global winners, who will be invited to Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Where is the Space Apps Challenge being held?
The opening ceremony on Friday will be located in UNM's Centennial Engineering Center, Room 1041. This is a large auditorium. The hackathon on Saturday and Sunday will be located in Centennial Engineering Center, Room 1044 (right across the hall). This is also known as the Stamm Room.
The Centennial Engineering Center is Building 112 on the UNM campus map:
Do I need to be present every day?
You don't need to be at the event site every day, and you may continue working with your team after event hours finish Friday and Saturday nights. However, you will need to be on-site to present your project to the judges on Sunday, and you must use this website to register and submit your project. Please check the schedule below.
Schedule (All times US/Mountain)
Friday, October 19th
Opening Ceremony: Learn about the challenges and categories, find a team!
Brief presentation by Dr. Matthew Fricke about space exploration and the NASA Swarmathon project.
Light refreshments provided.Location: UNM Centennial Engineering Room 1041 (Auditorium)
Saturday, October 20th
Day 1 Opening Remarks
Find a team if you don't have oneLocation: UNM Centennial Engineering Room 1044 (Stamm Room)
Hackathon Day 1 begins
Lunch (approximate time). Pizza will be provided to registered participants on-site in the Stamm Room.
Hackathon Day 1 ends
Note: we ended early today because teams left to work off-site
Sunday, October 21st
Day 2 Opening Remarks
Find a team if you don't have oneLocation: UNM Centennial Engineering Room 1044 (Stamm Room)
Hackathon Day 2 begins
Deadline to submit final projects
1-hour break (4-5pm) before team presentations beginTeams present their projects to the panel of judges
Pizza will be provided to registered participants on-site in the Stamm Room
Closing Ceremony
Awards Ceremony2018 Space Apps Challenge Albuquerque ends
See you next year!