Awards & Nominations

Andromeda Galaxy has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Local Peoples' Choice Winner

The Challenge | The Land Where Displaced People Settle

Characterize land cover/land use at informal settlements of displaced populations using NASA satellite datasets.


Caption is a space capsule containing life supppliers, food and data storage. Powred by deep covolutional neural networks, caption can eaisly detect a happening disaster, calculate where people run and lands on earth to meet people in their new location.

Andromeda Galaxy

our aim is to save the humanity. To do so we found that in the last few years, the number of natural disasters is growing. So we designed a capsule that, initially in the outer space, may help people who are displaced by landing on the area where they would be displaced. With some knowledge in artificial intelligence, mechanical design and with a very creative minds we designed caption to save more people around the world. we used MATLAB for calculations, SOLIDWORKS for mechanical design, however we had a trouble finding a data so we tried to generate our own data to simulate the calculations.

we luck knowledge in aerodynamics so we relied on sevral youtube videos and a lot of imagination. future work will include disasters made by humans such as wars etc... .


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.