Space Apps Sousse was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 126 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 12 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Sousse!

Local People's Choice Winner
The people have spoken! This is the project that captured our hearts.
Global Nominees
We wish our global nominees the best of luck!
NASA Space Apps Sousse 2018
"NASA Space Apps Sousse 2018" is organized by IEEE ISSAT SOUSSE Student Branch in collaboration with EPI Sousse: International Pluridisciplinary School and CLibre Association which will take place from 19th to 21st October at EPI Sahloul-Sousse School with a rich program of conferences and Workshops.
The number of members of each team must be between 2 and 10 people, without any age restriction. Teams are trained, accompanied and coached by facilitators throughout the implementation of their projects.
The first two winning teams will continue this international challenge by submitting their projects to NASA, which will select the final champion.
Also there are local prices:
- 1000 TND for 1st price + trophy
- 500 TND for 2nd price + trophy
Registration is open until 15th October, by following these three steps:
1- Creating an account on the Nasa website:
2-Form registration:
3- registration confirmation :
The registration fee per person:
- 20 TND ( if you are a challenger )
- 5 TND ( if you will only attend conferences and workshops )
- Challengeurs will benefit from breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners and certificates of participation.
- Participants in conferences and workshops will benefit from coffee breaks and certificates of participation.
For more information, please contact us:
- Meriem Amri : 95 772 265 |
- Mehdi Mili : 55 614 886 |
NB: limited number of registrations
Don't miss the opportunity, and participate in NASA SPACE APPS Sousse !
#SpaceAppsSousse2018 #SpaceAppsSousse #SpaceApps! #Sousse
Schedule (All times Africa/Tunis)
Friday, October 19th
Challenge Registration - Confirmation
Opening Ceremony
with Winner's feedback of 2016 edition
1st Conference : Be Diamond -
2nd Conference : Quantum Mechanics - Zied Ghimaji
Workshop : Deep Learning of Neural Network Architecture for Image Analysis, Representation and Classification - Wael OUARDA
Workshop : Tunisia from another side - Mohamedd Ala Eddine Laarbi
Workshop : Big Bang theory - Zied Ghimaji
Workshop : We drone it - Yosra LILI
Workshop : Discover and build your first Vex Robot - Young members of ATAST
Workshop : How to Create a Website with WordPress (step by step) - Baha Eddine Ben Hadj Hamida
Free Time
Astronomic night
Saturday, October 20th
Reception and registration of teams
Workshop 1 : Coaching & Personal Development
Workshop 2 : Coaching & Workshop (How to pitch)
Sunday, October 21st
Coffee Break
Deadline for submission
Project Presentations
Lunch break
Voting of Judges
Awards Ceremony
Closing of Challenge