Team Updates

With the current fires burning thousands of acres of land in Malibu, we can envision how Hydrant could have helped the communities being affected by aggregating the crowdsourced data and sending emergency alerts through our app. Our condolences to all the families affected by the Malibu fires.

Rishi Sarkar

Looking back on the video, more ideal formation would be to make a video which can be understood without audio. Presenting a prototype in a more professional manner, without a mouse pointer, etc.

lilhumzaHumza Khokhar

Looking back at our finished video, I'm very proud of the work we did; learning kinematic typography, the ins and outs of Adobe After Effects and putting the whole thing together was amazing. We could have improved our script by adding less words in order to add more meaning to the words being spoken, and had we had more time we would have refined our skills with After Effects to create better visuals.

Zaki Machfj

We made our video using After Effects and harnessed the use of kinematic typography in order to design a beautiful introducing scene!

Zaki Machfj

Having access to Google Maps API would give us the ability to track user's location and make the app much more convenient for individuals in terms of pinging, tracking and visualizing fires.

Zaki Machfj

NASA OpenNEX App Store gave us amazing API's that check the existence of fires and their exact location given a user's report. The API's also use the GOES-R satellite, which is updated every 15 minutes and gives us the ability to frequently verify user reports.

Zaki Machfj

Cross referencing between the crowd sourced data and the sattelite data can be outsourced to a trained ML algorithm to analyze data and conclusions.

lilhumzaHumza Khokhar

The implementation of a Blockchain network is a very safe method for data transaction, thus an execution of smart contracts can be used for the geo-location data (Lat, Lng)

lilhumzaHumza Khokhar

Found a great prototyping tool for Mobile Devices The Prototyping Tool

lilhumzaHumza Khokhar

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.