Nikolay Marinov Concept of the working menu for browsing planets.
Nikolay Marinov CG interpretation of the exoplanet Kepler-62f.
Nikolay Marinov CG Render of Earth's Moon.
Nikolay Marinov CG Render of Mars using the texture we created from NASA's telescopes.
Nikolay Marinov A look from the outside, including the surface of Mars.
More angles of the telescope.
Nikolay Marinov Some screenshots from the prototype's hallway.
Breakdown of the Mars texture maps that were created in Substance Designer- Albedo map, Normal map, Height map and Roughness map.
Another one of our decals.
Some of the fun decals we made for the project.
Example of nodes in Substance Designer
A stylized Mars texture created procedurally with the node base program Substance Desginer.
Our main 3D object in our scene.
We created a 200 megapixels texture of the surface of Mars by gathering data from NASA's telescopes and then combining it together.