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rohit_7Rohit Kapoor

The rovers are deployed around The Mare Orientale crater of the Moon which is evenly distributed among the near and the far side of the moon. Two of these rovers will act as transmitters to the ones that are sent to the far side to extract soil samples.

The purpose of these rover deployments is to retreive soil samples from the far side of the moon and study them in depth. These samples will also be compared with those from the near side of the moon and the lunar terrain variations can then be studied.

Not only we study the far side of the moon, but these rover landings help us acheive another milestone theat is : Internet connectivity on the moon.

Not just an Internet Connection, a "Decentralized network". By acheiving this, we acheive the goal of 100% data retreivability even from the far side of the moon.

And that is the vision of Team Chaos. "Centralizing the human race, Decentralizing the Space around us"

rohit_7Rohit Kapoor
Launch vehicle details
Launch vehicle details
rohit_7Rohit Kapoor
Homepage of the Website
Homepage of the Website
rohit_7Rohit Kapoor
Rover inspection Locations nearby Mare Orientale
Rover inspection Locations nearby Mare Orientale
rohit_7Rohit Kapoor
Connectivity page
Connectivity page
rohit_7Rohit Kapoor

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.