There's more on our TeamSquid website - fly-throughs, interviews and more!
Kate Jago Making holes for our Interplanetary Cephalopod Assistant to repair!!
Kate Jago Gwen working SO HARD in the Unreal...
Kate Jago Thanks to Patrick at SpaceAppsExeter for helping us out with our digital logo :)
Kate Jago We were SO PLEASED to win!!!! Alongside Team Valiant at SpaceAppsExeter (Jago and Maddy had to be in Bristol, so weren't in the photo but were there in spirit xx)
Kate Jago And thanks to Dr Rupa Chilvers @rupachilvers for her pic of our presentation :))
Kate Jago Here's the team presenting our challenge - thanks to SpaceAppsExeter and Design Spark for the photo :)
Kate Jago Maddy's thinking about our NASA mission....
Maddy Jago Our adopted room at The Met Office - we loved the venue!
Maddy Jago After lots of hard work, the Unreal Team are happy with their progress - brilliant work by Gwen, and Louise was working on the ML application too
Maddy Jago Here are the 3 articulated legs, cut to size. You can also see the "Third Eye" (Maddy made this from solder, beautifully and carefully wound), which could be used as a connecting, input or receiving device
Maddy Jago Several things started happening to the model: the physics team gave us specific measurements that the legs had to adhere to, so that they would work in our modelling. Jo also put pipe-cleaners through to show the potential angles of activity
Maddy Jago Here is Jo holding the legs! She worked out how to articulate them, too.... #modelling
Maddy Jago Another important moment - we attached a block of lego to the base, to give the ICA structural integrity. It worked well, but the real "lightbulb" moment was when Jo found that the black straws from our morning drinks fitted *perfectly* onto the lego. We had found our legs!
Maddy Jago The Squid gradually taking shape - there were boxes of materials which Maddy and Tilly scavenged for inspiration. We loved the texture of the gold and found the "eyes" inside light-up balloons #genius
Maddy Jago The Unreal team getting started - Gwen, Louise and Margaret. No one had used the programme before, but Gwen thought it was the perfect opportunity to learn how to use it
Maddy Jago And here is Tilly's version - we were lucky to have 2 young creatives working on the modelling side of the project
Maddy Jago Here is the logo Maddy made for our team - showing the 3 articulated "legs" we decided on
Maddy Jago Here's the Japanese (Kanji) character for "squid", ika - we adapted this for our acronym: Interplanetary Cephalopod Assistant!
Maddy Jago First inspiration for the cephalopod...
Maddy Jago Thanks to Henrik and Nawal, helping Bill and Bob work on the multi-body dynamic modelling
Maddy Jago Day One: Bill wrote us a "to do" list!
Maddy Jago We have a logo!
Louise Abigail Dennis Visit our website for details of our Space Apps Journey!
Louise Abigail Dennis Team Squid - Thanks to Lost in SpaceApps
Louise Abigail Dennis