Winona, MN

United States

Space Apps Winona, MN was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 33 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 2 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Winona, MN!

Local People's Choice Winner

The people have spoken! This is the project that captured our hearts.

Winona is thrilled to host NASA's Space Apps Challenge for the second time. This year will be bigger, better, and more fun than last year with better entertainment and more judgmental judges. More eco friendly, sharper, and lasts longer. * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Schedule (All times US/Central)

Friday, October 19th
  1. Space Apps Winona Data Boot Camp

    Come introduce yourself to a vast treasure trove of NASA's open data. Weather, aerosols, temperature, even near real time satellite data will be at your disposal for the SpaceApps event. We hope to help you cozy up to these super cool resources.

Saturday, October 20th
  1. Registration/Sign in

    Enjoy breakfasty snacks while mingling, registering and brainstorming

  2. Welcome

    Announcements, and Event Launch

  3. Experts, Briefings, and Teambuilding, Oh My!

    Consult skilled professionals, ask questions, gather teammates.

  4. Let it Begin!

  5. Rest cries the chief sawyer, and we pause for breath.

    Enjoy lunch, be sociable, skip and dance, go outside and check for the sun.

  6. Coarse Grind

    Grab some coffee and get back to work.

  7. Outreach and cries for help

    Check in time to see how things are going. Need a hand, a consult? If you feel like dancing, now's the time.

  8. Feed me Seymour!

    Brains require chemical nourishment. Don't skimp on the fiber.

  9. Laser focus, or Fade

    Develop till you drop, or they kick ban us from the library. Hoping to wrap up around 9:00

Sunday, October 21st
  1. Breakfast Rejuvenation Station

    Chat, Eat, scope your favorite concentration nest.

  2. Anguished Wails

    Seek out experts to troubleshoot and consult with.

  3. Re-Iterate

    Begin again, or continue yesterday's work.

  4. Solicitation Station

    Grab advice, encouragement, feedback. Hoard the last bag of Cheetos.

  5. Launch! Oops, I meant Lunch.

    Enjoy delicious food product.

    Choose between many selections.

  6. Suppress the urge to panic!

    It's really not a big deal. You'll do fine. But, get back to work.

  7. Warning, Warning!!

    Heads up, this is wrapping up soon and there's still plenty to do. 1 hour to go.

  8. Polish that project.

    It's time to finish up and get ready to present your project at 4:30

  9. You will be judged.

    By a team of highly qualified whoever we can con into it. Don't forget, the top local prizes are a crisp high five, or a firm handshake from our very own T-Gegg.

  10. Awards!

    Enjoy your newfound fame, and your firm handshakes.

  11. Recovery!

    Feel free to socialize while volunteering to put the space back in order and deodorize the bean bags. Maybe we should head to a local establishment afterward and rest our brains.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.