Space Apps Trivandrum was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 129 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 14 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Trivandrum!

Local People's Choice Winner
The people have spoken! This is the project that captured our hearts.
Global Nominees
We wish our global nominees the best of luck!
Come Join in this Collaborative, Problem-Solving, Open Innovation Competition!
Since its inception in 2012, NASA’s International Space Apps Challenge has become the world’s largest global hackathon! Thousands of citizens across the globe, just like you, have worked with NASA data and products to build innovative solutions to challenges we face on Earth and in space!
69 countries, over 61 in 2016….
187 locations, over 161 in 2016....
~25,000 participants, over approximately 15,000 in 2016....
A reach of 40 million people with the #SpaceApps hashtag!
Over 25,000 participants in 187 cities from 69 countries around the world worked together in teams during the 48-hour sprint to develop over 1300 projects! These projects showcased innovative and creative open source solutions, valuable not just to NASA, but also the global community.
Last year, Space Apps 2017, Trivandrum was one of the HOST and clocked a participation of 22 teams , ( the highest from India ?). Some of the most popular projects from TVM included creating a crowdsourced platform to compare environmental changes with symptoms of respiratory disease, building an educational app to help young students locate the moon, or developing an app to support local drone operators.
This year also, WE INVITE YOU to be a part of Space Apps on October 19th-21st , 2018! Space Apps Trivandrum will be hosted by Kerala StartUp Mission. We are excited to welcome you to use FUTURE LABS , KSUM, Technopark, Trivandrum.
Whether you are a newcomer, or a seasoned hackathon veteran; a beginner or an expert; a student, an entrepreneur, a technologist, a scientist, a designer, a storyteller, an artist, or an individual with your unique skills and ideas; EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU has the capacity to bring about paradigm-shifting innovations.
The Space Apps Challenge brings together coders, makers and entrepreneurs from around the world to form teams and solve various "challenges" developed by NASA. YOU can join us in this unprecedented international collaboration between government agencies, organizations, and academic institutions, and leverage NASA data and products to design solutions to scientific and environmental challenges. !!!
Be sure to follow our latest news on social media, and join our global community using the hashtag ___ .we want to hear your stories about your hackathon experiences, and the importance of open data!