Space Apps Sofia was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 49 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 17 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Sofia!
Global Nominees
We wish our global nominees the best of luck!
Posted by NASA International Space Apps Challenge - Bulgaria on Saturday, October 20, 2018
Space Apps Challenge Sofia - Bulgaria is organised for the sixth year through collaboration and partnership among science community, universities representatives, business organisations, NGOs and students volunteers. The host is Technical University Sofia.

The host organisation TU-Sofia is the largest technical university in Bulgaria offering highly qualified trainers, engineers and technical staff, with modern laboratory facilities. More than 65 years TU-Sofia educates specialists in the field of engineering. For this period, over 100 000 engineers have graduated - bachelor degree in 26 specialties, master degree in 35 specialties, PhD degree in 110 specialties.The TU-Sofia has close working relationships with more than 50 universities in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. The University is a member of prestigious European and world organisations and participates in various projects under EU, UNESCO and NATO programmes. TU-Sofia is among the leading technical universities in Europe.
The venue Faculty of German Engineering Education and Industrial Management (FaGEEIM) was established in 1990 under an intergovernmental agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Federal Republic of Germany. For 25 years now training at FaGEEIM has been funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), which has made it possible to have a great number of laboratories and computer classes equipped as well as to build up a library with over 10 000 publications - textbooks, scientific literature and journals. A guarantee of the quality of the training provided is the fact that all alumni have been awarded degrees by TU Sofia and degrees and certificates by the German partner universities.
We are looking forward to welcome you at the TU-Sofia, FaGEEIM, bul.Kl.Ohridski 8, 10 block (map).
Space Apps Challenge Sofia thanks to Dr.David Green, Science Program Manager from NASA in Washington DC, to join Sofia event. It is an honor for all of us that Dr.Green will be during the whole event and share knowledge and expertise, and advice. Dr. Green is the Program Scientist for NASA’s Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability (LANCE); Program Application Scientist for the NISAR, CYGNSS and TROPICS satellite missions; In-coming Chair of the Committee on Earth Observations (CEOS) Working Group on Disasters; the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Task Lead for Global Flood Risk Modeling, and Expert to the UN Office of Disaster Risk Reduction.
Space Apps Challenge Sofia 2018 thanks to all judges Prof. DSc.Elena Shoikova, assoc. prof.Doyno Petkov, Cenov, eng. Manol Roujinov, Viktor Danchev, Alexander Popov.
Space Apps Challenge Sofia event is supported by FaGEEIM, TelebidPro, BBOM, UBER,, VMware, Eurocom, and organisations partners - DNA, U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria, eSkills For Future, BCWT, and many others. Find out more on:
Schedule (All times Europe/Sofia)
Saturday, October 20th
09:00 am Registration
10:00 am Opening ceremony
10.00 am Teams start projects
01.00 pm Lunch
02.00 pm Teams are working on projects
05.30 pm Projects discussion
07.00 pm Sponsors gifts for teams
10.00 pm Teams are working on their projects untill 10.00 pm
Sunday, October 21st
09:00 am Continue working on the projects
11:00 am Coffee break
11:00 am Working and getting ready for presentations of projects
1:00 pm Lunch time
2:00 pm Judging
6:00 pm Announcing the best Sofia projects and local winners
7:00 pm Closing ceremony