We found out about the NASA Space Apps Challenge two weeks ago. At the beginning we were 2, during the process we start working with one more member. We found the challenge from the previous App Challenge. The challenge was "The dictionary of earth". It took us awhile to figure out how to create it. We start working on the platform 8 days ago.
Mainly we had problems with the data base and how to make it, but we manage to fix it and make it work.
The whole point is to make as easy as possible for every person on Earth and space no matter age or speciality to understand the term. Especially students and young people which read scientific literature and are curious about science and have difficulties with new terminology.
We relay on visualization of the term. When you search for a term you see a short description and if this is not enough for you, you can check for more information. More examples, pictures and videos. Also you can leave a comment about what you think. We will work with institutions and universities, and that's how we will receive new terms and everyone is going to be sure that this is the correct meaning of the term. The platform will be translate using crowdsourcing and people from around the world.
At the moment the web platform is at early stage. We still have work till it is fully release.
Link to our web platform: https://tagilex.com/foxarol
Github: https://github.com/foxarol/foxarol.git
Our sources:
NASA Image and Video Library - https://images.nasa.gov
NASA Science/ glossary - https://science.nasa.gov/glossary
NASA Cosmicopia - https://helios.gsfc.nasa.gov/gloss_ab.html
Google Images
SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.