Space Apps Naples, Campania was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 195 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 28 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Naples, Campania!

Local People's Choice Winner
The people have spoken! This is the project that captured our hearts.
Global Nominees
We wish our global nominees the best of luck!
Benvenuti a NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018 - Naples edition!
Space Apps Challenge torna a Napoli per il quarto anno consecutivo! 🚀 🌎
Il weekend spaziale sarà ospitato al polo di San Giovanni a Teduccio dell’Università Federico II il 20 e il 21 ottobre.
[English version below]
#SpaceApps è l’hackathon più grande del mondo promosso dalla NASA, dedicato e aperto a tutti gli appassionati di Spazio.
A livello locale l’evento è co-organizzato dal Consolato Generale degli Stati Uniti a Napoli insieme al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell’Università di Napoli Federico II (DII), l’Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente (IREA-CNR), e il Center for Near Space (CNS) dell’Italian Institute for the Future.
Si tratta di una sfida che metterà alla prova le vostre capacità, creando un’app con lo scopo di risolvere i problemi correlati alla vita sulla Terra e nello Spazio. L’obiettivo è produrre idee e soluzioni innovative a sfide globali per la vita sulla Terra e nello Spazio, basandosi su un approccio di problem solving collaborativo e open-source.
A livello locale l’evento è co-organizzato dal Consolato Generale degli Stati Uniti a Napoli insieme al Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell’Università di Napoli Federico II (DII), l’Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell’Ambiente (IREA-CNR), e il Center for Near Space (CNS) dell’Italian Institute for the Future. Gli sponsor quest’anno sono le aziende Sòphia High Tech e TRANS-TECH.
Registratevi su questa pagina per partecipare all’evento di Napoli. La registrazione avviene in maniera completamente gratuita e non ci sono limiti di età.
Il tema di Space Apps 2018 sarà Earth and Space, Terra e Spazio, declinato in sei categorie:
- Can You Build A...
- Help Others Discover The Earth
- Volcanoes, Icebergs, And Asteroids (Oh My)
- What The World Needs Now Is...
- An Icy Glare
- A Universe Of Beauty And Wonder
Il Consolato degli Stati Uniti a Napoli ha messo in palio tre premi speciali in denaro per i team vincitori locali:🏆
1.300 Euro per il primo team classificato 🥇
1.000 Euro per il secondo 🥈
700 Euro per il terzo 🥉
Come di consueto, poi, ci sarà anche il premio People’s Choice.
Per lavorare non dimenticate di portare il vostro laptop, una ciabatta e qualsiasi altro materiale necessario.
Per il pranzo di sabato 20 e il pranzo di domenica 21, i pasti verranno offerti ai partecipanti dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale dell'Università Federico II.
Date un'occhiata alle offerte di Google e Microsoft!
Di seguito ulteriori informazioni.
Microsoft is offering $200 in Azure credits for Space Apps participants to work on solutions to this year's challenges. There is no sign-up form for this offer, just use the following link for offer details:
Space Apps 2018 Collaborator Offer from Google: Cloud Computing Credits
Google is offering Space Apps participants $300 - $3,000 free credit* on the Google Cloud Platform to kick start their projects.
Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search and YouTube. Space Apps participants can use Google Cloud Platform and its many products and services to easily launch cloud based applications (mobile, web, IoT, and much more) utilizing the best in big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning there is.
All participants can receive $300 in Google Cloud Platform credits by signing up here:
All eligible** startup teams (at the time of the hackathon or formed at the hackathon) can receive $3,000 in Google Cloud Platform credits by signing up here:
* Offer is valid from 10/1/2018 until 12/19/2018.
** Eligible means a tech enabled, for profit, scalable startup which is less than 5 years old and has raised less than $5M in funding.
Enjoy #SpaceApps & Spread the word!
Welcome to NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018 - Naples edition!
Naples is proud to announce 2018’s Space Apps Challenge! 🚀 🌎
You are going to prove yourselves by creating an App with the goal to help and solve collaboratively to both life on Earth and life in Space problems. Challenge your friends, or make a team with them.
Register on this page to participate to the Naples Space Apps Challenge, it’s completely free and has no requirements of all sorts. It will take place at Università di Napoli Federico II, San Giovanni a Teduccio, on October 20-21.
The theme for Space Apps 2018 will be Earth and Space. Find more about the categories!
Take that chance and try to win!
Also this year, U.S. Consulate General's awards will be: 🏆
Euro 1,300 for the first classified team 🥇
Euro 1,000 for the second 🥈
Euro 700 for the third 🥉
Enjoy #SpaceApps!
Don't forget to bring your own laptop, a power strip and anything else you might need.
On Saturday and Sunday, the lunch is offered by the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Federico II University.
Have a look to the offers from Google and Microsoft!
Below is more information.
Microsoft is offering $200 in Azure credits for Space Apps participants to work on solutions to this year's challenges. There is no sign-up form for this offer, just use the following link for offer details:
Space Apps 2018 Collaborator Offer from Google: Cloud Computing Credits
Google is offering Space Apps participants $300 - $3,000 free credit* on the Google Cloud Platform to kick start their projects.
Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search and YouTube. Space Apps participants can use Google Cloud Platform and its many products and services to easily launch cloud based applications (mobile, web, IoT, and much more) utilizing the best in big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning there is.
All participants can receive $300 in Google Cloud Platform credits by signing up here:
All eligible** startup teams (at the time of the hackathon or formed at the hackathon) can receive $3,000 in Google Cloud Platform credits by signing up here:
* Offer is valid from 10/1/2018 until 12/19/2018.
** Eligible means a tech enabled, for profit, scalable startup which is less than 5 years old and has raised less than $5M in funding.

Schedule (All times Europe/Rome)
Saturday, October 20th
Registrazione, formazione dei team, consegna T-shirt
Collegamento Skype con l’astronauta Luca Parmitano: partecipano tutte le sedi italiane di Space Apps - Napoli, Roma, Milano, Torino, Vicenza e Trieste
Inizio dell'hackathon
Sessione pomeridiana dell'hackathon
Fine della prima giornata di Space Apps
Sunday, October 21st
Inizia la seconda giornata di Space Apps
Sessione pomeridiana dell'hackathon
Chiusura dei lavori di gruppo
Elevator pitch dei team
I giudici valutano i lavori dei team.
Ecco la giuria:
- Shawn Baxter, Consolato USA a Napoli
- Riccardo Lanari, CNR-IREA
- Francesco Saverio Marulo, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
- Rino Russo, Center for Near Space
- Francesco Sacerdoti, iOS Academy e Temple University
- Raffaele Savino, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Cerimonia di premiazione