The Challenge | Spot That Fire!

Build a crowdsourcing tool for citizens to contribute to early detection, verification, tracking, visualization, and notification of wildfires.


The quickest way to report fires to the community. Using an app, the user updates a public, crowd-sourced, fire map. Other nearby users get push notifications to inform them about the possible danger.


The Problem: Long delays until official channels are activated. Possible unawareness of surrounding fire danger and unpreparedness until evacuation begins. People don’t seek information and guidance before they are aware of the possible danger.

The Solution: iOS and watchOS app with basic functionality for “proof of concept”. An app that helps communities to be alert about nearby fires by allowing them to report a fire and being notified immediately if there’s a report nearby. It must be the quickest way to report fires to the community.

Using an app, the user updates a public fire map that is also updated through the NASA FIRMS database. Other nearby users get push notifications to inform them about the possible danger. Reports are rated based on confidence, intensity, and number of reports in the same area.

The goal is To minimize the time between the first sighting of the fire and the nearby communities learning about it. Create vigilance, heightened alert states, activate people quickly.

PDF presentation:



SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.