Space Apps Lusaka,Lusaka was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 16 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 2 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Lusaka,Lusaka!

Local People's Choice Winner
The people have spoken! This is the project that captured our hearts.
Global Nominees
We wish our global nominees the best of luck!
#SpaceApps 2018, the world's largest hackathon, is a chance to use NASA's open data to create solutions to some of the world's BIGGEST challenges.
Schedule (All times Africa/Lusaka)
Sunday, October 21st
Hackers Guild
Saturday, October 20th
Hackers Guild
Friday, October 19th
Hackers Guild
Hackers Guild