Space Apps Cleveland, OH was held on October 19th, 20th & 21st. Thank you to the 146 people who joined the International Space Apps Challenge at this location. The local results, including the work of 14 teams, can be found below!
Thanks Cleveland, OH!

Local People's Choice Winner
The people have spoken! This is the project that captured our hearts.
Global Nominees
We wish our global nominees the best of luck!
Special thanks to all of our sponsors who make this event possible - we truly couldn't put on this event without their support. Their funding helps feed our participants over the weekend, providing supplies for the teams, and help to make it easy for us to support our community.
Out-of-this-World Sponsor

Additional Sponsors

Lead Organizer

Cleveland Tech Consulting, LLC - Cleveland Tech Events
Security / Citizenship Requirements
As we are hosted at a NASA facility, we have to abide by their rules and regulations. We want to do what we can for our security folks to make this as seamless as possible. Registrations for all of this weekend's events will close on October 19. All participants in the hackathon must register here on the Space Apps Challenge site.
Please list the name on your ID as your Full Name here on the site; otherwise, you may be turned away at Security.
Participation at this host location is restricted to U.S.Citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs), also known as Permanent Resident Aliens (PRAs) or Green Card Holders, U.S. Citizens Representing a Foreign Entity, and persons with multiple citizenships (one of which is U.S.).
- If you do not meet these requirements, we unfortunately cannot have you participate on base. If you do not meet these requirements but wish to collaborate with a team on site, we do use Slack at our event and teams may use other ways of communicating as well. However, you would not be able to participate in the in-person happenings at NASA Glenn.
- If you would like to participate in the hackathon and cannot attend here in-person and cannot work with a local team, we also encourage participation via the Virtual location.
Mixer on Friday
We will be hosting a mixer on Friday evening at NASA Glenn. Join us for appetizers, beverages, and an enjoyable evening. The agenda for the mixer is:
- 5:00pm - The Lewis Ensemble kicks off our event with music! Come hear the band that's based at NASA Glenn!
- 6:00pm - Opening Remarks
- 6:15pm - Keynote "In The Beginning: The Race to the Moon and its Ohio Connections" with Jeffrey Woytach, NASA Glenn (he's also with the Band!)
- 7:00pm - Team formation, staking out rooms, identifying needed resources, etc.
- 8:00pm - Standup meeting in the MIC auditorium
- 9:00pm - All done for the evening
Keynote Talk - "In The Beginning: The Race to the Moon and its Ohio Connections"

From the first leaders of NASA, to the groundwork needed to achieve Apollo, to the design of the Saturn V launch vehicle, to the men that went to the Moon, Ohio has played a key role in America’s space program. The presentation talks about the contributions to the early space program and, in particular, to the Apollo program that came from Ohio, and especially from the Lewis Research Center in Cleveland (now the Glenn Research Center.)
More details at: “In The Beginning: The Race to the Moon and its Ohio Connections”, Jeffrey Woytach, NASA Glenn
The Return of the NASA Librarians
Jaime and Robin of NASA Glenn Library (@glennlibrary on Twitter) are coming back again this year! As you have questions around your challenges, know that Jaime and Robin can try to help you with finding the right resources. They will be available Friday, October 19 - 6:00pm-8:00pm and Saturday, October 20 - 8:00am-2:00pm.
We will also be using our Space Apps CLE Slack channel, and #ask-librarians will be an easy way to find them without having to leave your work area.
NASA Exchange Store
The NASA Exchange Store is allowing us to go to them this year! You can preview their goods and prices at They do accept credit cards at the store, so you may not need to make a special ATM run, as we have done in years past
NASA Lab Tours / Demos
This year, we will have tours for the NASA SLOPE Lab. Learn more about SLOPE here:
The NASA GVIS team will be bringing demos to the MIC this year, rather than us heading over there. Look forward to more details about the demos at the event!
Kids Day on Saturday
This year, we are running a mini-hackathon on Saturday for kids! We have some challenges that we've picked that will work with our younger hackers. Come and hack with us!
Learn more and register for this event at:
Human Swarm Event on Saturday
On Saturday, we will have a human swarm event hosted by Dan Palmer, Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science, John Carroll University and Marc Kirschenbaum, retired, John Carroll University. To give you an idea of what to expect, see the swarming event from IngenuityFest '09 at:
Project Fair on Sunday
Rather than doing face-forward presentations for judging this year, we are going to try something new. We want to have the teams present their work over the weekend in a project fair form at the MIC. We would like to invite friends, family, and the community to come see what we have accomplished over the weekend. Judging will also take place during the event. If you come for the project fair, you are also welcome to stay for the closing ceremony.
You will need to register for this separately if you are not participating in the hackathon and just want to check out what others worked on throughout the weekend. Register at:
Schedule (All times US/Eastern)
Friday, October 19th
The Lewis Ensemble kicks off our event with music! Come hear the band that's based at NASA Glenn! Light refreshments will be served.
Opening Remarks. NASA Housekeeping/Security Guidelines and Weekend Logistics.
Keynote "In The Beginning: The Race to the Moon and its Ohio Connections" with Jeffrey Woytach, NASA Glenn (he's also with the Band!)
Team formation, staking out rooms, identifying needed resources, etc.
First Standup meeting in the Auditorium - Team representatives and event organizers
All done for the evening
Saturday, October 20th
Breakfast (danishes, granola bars, fruits, muffins, etc.)
Orientation, more team formation
GitHub repo setup
Create projects on the Space Apps site
Work on projects
Ask NASA Librarians for help. Note: Robin and Jaime of NASA Glenn Library (@glennlibrary on Twitter) will be around Friday evening, 6pm-8pm. They will also be around on Saturday 8am-2pm.
Kids Day Event with Cuyahoga County Public Library. Learn more and register for this event at:
Lunch and Quiz Show
Shop at the NASA Exchange Store – lots of NASA goodies.
NASA SLOPE Lab Tour and GVIS Lab Demos
Dinner and Human Swarm event
Evening Project Work
Close for the night
Sunday, October 21st
Breakfast (danishes, granola bars, fruits, muffins, etc.), Working on the projects
Project Fair
Awards Ceremony
The End!