Carbonocracy | Looking GLOBE-ally

Team Updates

Our Video is up:

eduardof13Eduardo Filipe Couto Santos Fernandes
Success comes to those who dare!
Success comes to those who dare!
eduardof13Eduardo Filipe Couto Santos Fernandes
Teamwork for the Final Day
Teamwork for the Final Day
eduardof13Eduardo Filipe Couto Santos Fernandes

Loading cmd................
Opening Packages.............
Recruiting Kerbals & Minion Masters................
Compilation of Ideas..........Done

C:\Users\Carbonocracy>color 0A


Netcarbon Remover version potato alpha.1.2.0
Copyright 2018 Carbonocracy Project
User: Carbon McCarboniton

Netcarbon>Earth stat

"Too much polution"
'Earth' is currently unreachable due to space debris blocking the connection, please try again later


eduardof13Eduardo Filipe Couto Santos Fernandes

Mindfullness exercise complete - Back to Work!

eduardof13Eduardo Filipe Couto Santos Fernandes

Carbon is an important constituent of living beings. Along with Nitrogen and oxygen, carbon is one of the essential building blocks of organic life. Carbon forms about 18% of the human body. ... Carbon is integral because of its unique ability to form four different bonds with other elements.

eduardof13Eduardo Filipe Couto Santos Fernandes

"Where do you fit in the carbon meritocracy?"
Carbonocracy Project 2018

eduardof13Eduardo Filipe Couto Santos Fernandes

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.