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All Laheeb's app screen prototypes have been made by website.

Sara Mohammad Alkhamees
the nearest shelters and hospitals for volunteers accompanied with GPS system to guide them. green font to red font indicates the distance.
the nearest shelters and hospitals for volunteers accompanied with GPS system to guide them. green font to red font indicates the distance.
Sara Mohammad Alkhamees
the nearest shelters for people who live near the fire site.
the nearest shelters for people who live near the fire site.
Sara Mohammad Alkhamees
SeaWiFs satellite screen. this screen will appear for fire departments so they can prioritize the extinguish according to vegetation cover. for example: shrubs and grasses are more likely to burn and spread than trees. and for trees, for example, Coniferous trees have a large amount of sap in their branches and This sap burns very quickly.
SeaWiFs satellite screen. this screen will appear for fire departments so they can prioritize the extinguish according to vegetation cover. for example: shrubs and grasses are more likely to burn and spread than trees. and for trees, for example, Coniferous trees have a large amount of sap in their branches and This sap burns very quickly.
Sara Mohammad Alkhamees
The MODIS instrument screen. it shows the detailed coordinates of the wildfire in its beginning so the fire departments can go and control the fire before it gets worse.
The MODIS instrument screen. it shows the detailed coordinates of the wildfire in its beginning so the fire departments can go and control the fire before it gets worse.
Sara Mohammad Alkhamees
The warning screen. it shows a red button which notify people about the wildfire occurrence near them.
The warning screen. it shows a red button which notify people about the wildfire occurrence near them.
Sara Mohammad Alkhamees
The main screen which shows the sites of wildfires and the red button on the upper left is notifying people about the nearest shelters and hospitals.
The main screen which shows the sites of wildfires and the red button on the upper left is notifying people about the nearest shelters and hospitals.
Sara Mohammad Alkhamees

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.