The Challenge | Hello, Bennu!

Tell the world about the asteroid named Bennu.

Tales of Bennu

It is a paper cut animated video, we used handmade drawing of characters and objects and some of the backgrounds are downloaded pictures – we don’t own their copyrights. We imagined Bennu being an inhabited small planet with a very civilized nation.

Bennu Team

We are university of Khartoum Team from Sudan. We come up with an idea to show how we imagine Bennu was, as part of our participation in “Hello, Bennu!” challenge. It is a paper cut animated video, we used handmade drawing ofcharacters and objects and some of the backgrounds are downloaded pictures – we don’t own their copyrights. We imagined Bennu being an inhabited small planet- Asteroid, with aliens who were very advanced and had a very civilized nation. They used floating vehicles for transportation, they don’t eat but they have a power bulb to charge their energy. They also use telepath to use their computers, enjoy swimming under their green sky and practice other social activities, like cloud racing and wedding ceremonies with a special dance.

We made a tour into their planet and showed some of their daily life activities. Then we displayed the event that led to the destruction of this nation. The Bennuans – citizens of Bennu- wanted more energy stones to become more powerful and more dominant. So, they planned a mission to a nearby asteroid that has energy stones in abundance and took the stones for their bulb. This greed brought this civilization to end, since the taken stones disrupted the asteroid stability and made it drift out of its orbit and hit Bennu.

In order to save what is left of their home, a parent put their only child into a spaceship, with a golden record containing all their history and culture and sent it into our solar system. The Spaceship finds its way to earth and split into two. A part carrying the child lands on Antarctica and the other part with the golden record falls in Sudan, near Elbajrawia pyramids. The record was accidentally found by the locals of that area and that’s how we come to know of the Tales of Bennu.

to watch the full video please visit the link below:

If you want to know what happens to the alien child, watch our last year participation video in the link below:

The pictures and music copyrights go to:

1. Galaxy

2. earth

3. floating cities

4. black city

5. inside building meeting background <>

6. office <>

7. destruction background <>

8. hologram <>

9. street <>

10. Lava <Live Science>

11. Map

12. Pyramids

13. Music:


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.