def children(): | |
clothes=1 | |
water=1.5 | |
food=1 | |
blanket = 1.25 | |
mask = 0.05 | |
print("Do you have any young children?(yes/no)") | |
children = input() | |
if children == "no": | |
print("\n***Checklist for a Flood***") | |
print("Treking Rucksack - 1.1kg") | |
print("Water Bottle - 1.5kg") | |
print("2 Cans of Beans - 1kg") | |
print("Jacket and Clothes - 1kg") | |
print("Blanket - 1.25kg") | |
print("Wind up Torch - 0.3kg") | |
print("Mask - 50g") | |
print("Small First Aid Kit - 0.2kg") | |
print("ID or Personal Documentation\n") | |
print("Total weight: 6.4kg") | |
elif children == "yes": | |
numberofkids=int(input("How many children do you have?")) | |
for n in range(numberofkids): | |
age =int(input("How old are they?")) | |
if age <=5: | |
clothes = clothes + 1 | |
water= water+1.5 | |
food= food+1 | |
blanket = blanket +0.75 | |
mask=mask+0.05 | |
print("\n***Checklist for a Flood***") | |
print("Treking Rucksack - 1.1kg") | |
print("Childrens' Clothes - ",clothes," kg") | |
print("Water Bottles - ",water," kg") | |
print("Cans of beans - ",food," kg") | |
print("Blankets - ",blanket," kg") | |
print("Wind up Torch - 0.3kg") | |
print("Mask - ",mask," kg") | |
print("Small First Aid Kit - 0.2kg") | |
print("ID or Personal Documentation\n") | |
totalweight= (1.1+clothes+water+food+blanket+0.3+mask+0.2) | |
print ("Total weight: ",totalweight, " kg") | |
def anotherperson(): | |
answer=input ("Are you with anyone?(yes/no)\n") | |
if answer == "yes": | |
print ("How many people are with you?\n") | |
numberofpeople = input #+1?? | |
return numberofpeople | |
print ("Are you in danger? (yes/no)") | |
reply = input() | |
if reply == "yes": | |
age=int(input("How old are you?\n")) | |
if age<=13: | |
adult=input ("Are you with an adult? (yes/no)\n") | |
if adult == "no": | |
anotherperson() | |
elif age>=14 and age<=16: | |
adult=input ("Are you with an adult?(yes/no)\n") | |
if adult == "no": | |
anotherperson() | |
elif age>=17 and age<=65: | |
anotherperson() | |
print ("Do you want to call an emergency service?(yes/no)") | |
callhelp = input().lower() | |
if callhelp == "yes": | |
print ("Calling...") | |
else: | |
repeat = True | |
while repeat == True: | |
print("\n****Menu*****") | |
print("Would you like to: \ game \nB.get ready \nC.quit?") | |
choice = input().lower() | |
if (choice == "quit")or (choice == "c"): | |
repeat = False | |
elif (choice == "play game")or(choice == "a"): | |
points=[] | |
def questionone(): | |
print("\nWhat water source is safe to drink from?") | |
print("\nA.River") | |
print("B.Mountain stream") | |
print("C.Lake") | |
print("D.Sea\n") | |
answer=input().lower() | |
if (answer == "mountain stream")or (answer == "b"): | |
print ("Correct") | |
points.append(1) | |
else: | |
print ("Incorrect. The right answer was 'Mountain Stream'") | |
def questiontwo(): | |
print("\nWhat is the best food to bring in case of an emergency?") | |
print("\nA.Cans of beans") | |
print("B.Fruits") | |
print("C.Packets of crisps") | |
print("D.Burgers\n") | |
answer=input().lower() | |
if (answer == "cans of beans")or (answer=="a"): | |
print ("Correct") | |
points.append(1) | |
else: | |
print ("Incorrect. The right answer was 'cans of beans'") | |
print("This is an education game to raise awareness on what to do if natural disasters strike.\n") | |
## print("Would you like to play?") | |
## reply = input() | |
## if reply == "no": | |
## repeat = True | |
## print ("ok") | |
## else: | |
questionone() | |
questiontwo() | |
print("You got ",len(points)," points.\n") | |
returnmenu=input("Would you like to return to the menu?(yes/no)") | |
if returnmenu == "yes": | |
repeat = True | |
else: | |
repeat = False | |
else: | |
print("\nPlease type where you are.") | |
area=input().lower() | |
if area== "uk": | |
print ("\nYou are in risk of flooding.") | |
print ("Do you want to see: \nA.the flood checklist \nB.plan") | |
floodreply = input().lower() | |
if (floodreply == "checklist") or (floodreply == "a"): | |
children() | |
elif (floodreply == "plan") or (floodreply == "b"): | |
print("\n1.Pack your bag") | |
print("2.Check if friend and family are vulnerable") | |
print("3.Head for high ground") | |
print("4.Find shelter and call for help on an emergency help line\n") | |
elif area == "philippines": | |
print("You are in risk of: \nA.Flooding \nB.Earthquakes \nC.Tsunamis \nD.Volcanoes") | |
danger = input().lower | |
if (danger == "flooding") or (danger == "a"): | |
print ("Do you want to see the flood checklist or plan?") | |
floodreply = input().lower() | |
if floodreply == "checklist": | |
children() | |
elif floodreply == "plan": | |
print("1.Pack your bag") | |
print("2.Check if friend and family are vulnerable") | |
print("3.Head for high ground") | |
print("4.Find shelter and call for help on an emergency help line") | |
returnmenu=input("\nWould you like to return to the menu?(yes/no)") | |
if returnmenu == "yes": | |
repeat = True | |
else: | |
repeat = False | |
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