Team Updates

In addition to the humorous side, the app deals equally well with the more serious (as if Zombies aren't bad enough!) side of things like floods, snowstorms, earthquakes etc.

We would provide code snippets if we could but there is no central repository as such, with technologies spread across numerous cloud services.

gGraham Potter
Kit and resources recommended to survive the event
Kit and resources recommended to survive the event
gGraham Potter
Group members location
Group members location
gGraham Potter
Event details and instructions
Event details and instructions
gGraham Potter
Alert screen
Alert screen
gGraham Potter
Home screen
Home screen
gGraham Potter

Team DevCon3 have started to enter lockdown in preparation for the final presentations. The team pulled everything together in fine form and have produced something to be genuinely proud of. The breadth and depth of this development would have taken several weeks even just year or two ago, showcasing the power of the cloud and modern development environments.

gGraham Potter
Logo ready!
Logo ready!
gGraham Potter
A tale of 11 tables
A tale of 11 tables
gGraham Potter
Just the ticket to start the day!
Just the ticket to start the day!
gGraham Potter

An early start on Sunday morning! Plan for the day - refine data tables to accommodate future uses, polish the application, improve imagery/relevance to NASA, generate user stories and prepare the final presentation. Let the games begin!

gGraham Potter

Nearly at the end of the first day and we have made a huge amount of progress. There is an API which we can manually trigger an "event" which is received as a push notification to a mobile phone. An app on the phone reads the alert and displays a host of information about the event, location information, advice, and which kits need to be taken. Alerts are also captured for historical plotting on a map. Looking forward to the second day!

gGraham Potter
Floods and zombies, oh my!  Data showing alerts type, location and severity
Floods and zombies, oh my! Data showing alerts type, location and severity
gGraham Potter
Building the database
Building the database
gGraham Potter
Fuelling the rocket, I mean DevCon3, I mean Sarah...on dear!
Fuelling the rocket, I mean DevCon3, I mean Sarah...on dear!
gGraham Potter

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.