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First price of Nasa space app challenge of Sfax
First price of Nasa space app challenge of Sfax
haffaAnis Haffoudhi

Offline checklist

I - Make a surviving plan :

1/ Identify a place to evacuate :

- Establish a plan of action

- Pick different places in case of abondoning home

- Choose high-ground routes to shelters

- Call an emergency service

2/ Family communication plan :

- Write down contact information on printed-blank plans

- Use texting method and untied up lines for emergency

3/ Emergency supply assembly :

- Bring identification papers and cash money stored in a water proof container

- Bring first aid kit,flash light ,batteries,cellphone,manual can opener food,water etc....

- Check for any secondary needs after packing the primary basic supplies

II - Escaping flood waters :

1/ Evacuate dangerous areas :

- Escape quickly using plannedroute,heading to shelters

- Listen to emergency services to keep yourself safe

- Leave everything and grab emergency kit

2/Move to higher grounds :

- Avoid obstacles like drains , streams , creeks or rivers

- Head to roof if you're stuck at home

3/Avoid crossing through water :

- Bring a stick to cross the water in obliged cases

4/Stay out of moving water :

- Never drive, ride or walk through floodwater. This is the main cause of death during floods.

- Escapethe car if it got stuck

5/Swim backwards to survive moving water :

- Never go under debris,keep your head above water

- Yell to make notice for rescuers

- Keep your feet positioned upstream, using them to push away from obstacles floating with you

III - Protecting your home :

1/Home insurance against flooding :

- if you are in a high risk of flooding ,you should be insured

- You may choose flood insuranceagainst water damage

2/Barricade your home against flood water :

- Seal your basement to make your home more resistant

- Use sealant on cracks .

- Raise chemicals and oils well above the forecast flood height.

- Put household valuables and electrical items as high as possible.

3/Reduce flood damageto utilities andvaluables :

- Disconnectyourutilitieswhen there' s potential to do it

- Protect your valuables before flooding

IV - Following news and warnings:

1/ Listen to news for flooding warnings :

- Tune in TV channels or websites to monitor weather changes

- Turn on local radio station for update

2/Watch out for known flooding areas :

- Stay away from drains, culverts and waterways. Water can flow quickly and have strong currents.

- Stay well clear of fallen trees, power lines and damaged buildings.

- Never allow children to play in floodwater. This is the main cause of death during floods for children and young people.

3/ listen to authorities for evacuation directions :

- Listen to local radio stations for periodic updates

- Don’t attempt to go home until the authorities say it’s safe to do so

V - Returning home after a flood:

1/ Watch out for damaged areas :

- Find alternate routes over high ground

- Stay away from buildings that were hit by floodwaters

2/ Avoid downed electrical lines and flooded areas :

- Don't approach any live-downed electrical wires

- Stay away from buildings surrounded by floodwater

3/ Turn off all electrical and gas lines :

- Inspect your home using flash light

- Get away from home in case of gas leak

- Make sure everything is secure before using a candle or a torch

4/ Use a stick to check for snakes :

- Use a pole to inspect while measuring the damage

- Call animal control specialist to get rid of anomalies

5/ Take pictures of your home for insurance purposes :

- Get movies or pictures of your entire house

- Use a disposable camera if you need

6/ Make repairs to your home :

- Get a professionel to check your home for structural damage

- Get someone for electrical and gas repairs

7/ Clean your home :

- Scrub affected areas with hot water

- Stay out of disaster areas and allow safety experts to manage the recovery efforts.

- Use fans to dry out hidden areas

da3loulmohamed ali makthri

Online checklist

1-Flood Preparation

  • Check if your home and contents insurance covers flooding.
  • Keep this list of emergency numbers near the telephone.
  • Put together an Emergency Kit and prepare a home or business Emergency

2-When you hear a Flood Watch or weather warning

  • Listen to the radio and check the can-avert App for more information and advice.
  • Go over your Emergency Plan. Pack clothing and other extra items into your Emergency Kit and take this with you if you evacuate. When flooding may happen soon (a Flood Warning)
  • Make sure your family members and neighbours are aware of what is happening.
  • Be ready to evacuate. Act early. Conditions change rapidly. Roads and escape routes can be covered or blocked. Don’t forget to take pets and medicine with you.
  • Put household valuables and electrical items as high as possible.
  • Turn off water, gas and electricity at the mains.
  • Secure objects likely to float and cause damage. Raise chemicals and oils well above the forecast flood heig

3-During the flood

  • For emergency assistance, call 196
  • Never drive, ride or walk through floodwater. This is the main cause of death during floods.
  • Never allow children to play in floodwater. This is the main cause of death during floods for children and young people. ‡
  • stay away from drains, culverts and waterways. Water can flow quickly and have strong currents.
  • Stay well clear of fallen trees, power lines and damaged buildings.

4-After the flood: Recovery

  • If your property has been flooded, check with your local council for information and advice.
  • Have all electrical and gas equipment professionally tested before use.
da3loulmohamed ali makthri
Team Stream Item
aakooAnoir_Abdelkadouss Bouassida

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.