Team Updates

We have deployed the demo to this URL, so that anybody can look at the mock-up. We strongly recommend to use it in horizontal mode!

This is the link: The space rally: enhance your lifestyle while discovering the universe!

Alejandro Torres

Wow! Great effort from the team in all aspects! We have made huge progress in both app prototype and slides&speech! Now we are deploying the mock-up to github and reviewing all the content we have made in order to show it in a few hours.

Alejandro Torres

We are still working on the app prototype. In addition, we are starting to create the slides and speech for this afternoon! Yuhuuu!

Alejandro Torres
We are making progress in our prototype as well. Here we have some of the Hubble pictures!
We are making progress in our prototype as well. Here we have some of the Hubble pictures!
Marta Argüeso Etayo
Here we have the sketch of one of our brave astronauts that will discover the universe using our game!
Here we have the sketch of one of our brave astronauts that will discover the universe using our game!
Marta Argüeso Etayo
​We have made huge progress in the design of the app and the multimedia content. This is the sketch of the mission patch
​We have made huge progress in the design of the app and the multimedia content. This is the sketch of the mission patch
Marta Argüeso Etayo

We are working in the user experience too! We have used a bootstrap template that will reduce our code developing time! This could be the key to obtain a nice prototype in the minimum time!

Keep going!!

Marta Argüeso Etayo

We are going to use the pictures of the Hubble telescope as stickers that would be obtained when achieving goals in the game!!

The stickers will be collectable and could be interchanged between all the users around the world!!

Ignacio Paesa Dívar

We have already finished defining the dynamics of the game. Our main purpose is to enhance quality of life in the earth while discovering the universe,

We are going to develop a cross-platform virtual game. We also have identified the different sections we have to develop for the prototype, but we will be probably face some changes while carrying out. Depending on our progess and timeline!

Additionally, we have chosen the color palette we are going to use for the design, and the different multimedia content we will need to have a great user experience!

We have assigned the different tasks to all the members of the group, depending on our background.

Fortunately, we are a multi-disciplinar group (artist, teacher, developer, designer), so we have good synergy. Let's start the coding and the drawing!

Alejandro Torres

We are working right now in the visual design of the game (colors, drawings...) and figuring out all the different sections we have to include in the game! we are also ideating the game objectives and mission at the same time!

Alejandro Torres
The ideation process has reached a first version of the prototype!!
The ideation process has reached a first version of the prototype!!
Ignacio Argüeso Etayo

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.