Team Updates

Yeeess, the spaceship explode too....
Yeeess, the spaceship explode too....
Welton Abreu Rosa
 WOOOWWW Finally!!! We have our "world in space".
WOOOWWW Finally!!! We have our "world in space".
Welton Abreu Rosa
Our world used to compose the game!!
Our world used to compose the game!!
Welton Abreu Rosa
 Watch our astronaut happy for progress!!!
Watch our astronaut happy for progress!!!
Welton Abreu Rosa

First day yet, day and night would be long, we had in mind what tools to use, then we downloaded Unity, Visual Studio, Inventor, Photoshop and Filmora, and we started development. Our team consists of five members, we leave two for gameplay programming, one to develop the story of the game and two more for the visual part of the game.

Welton Abreu Rosa

First day, we chose which challenge we would accomplish, and thinking of how many do not know what exists outside our planet, we decided to take on a challenge that would be outside of it. We then chose the challenge "ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS", where we would develop a game, with the images of the hubble telescope as its component.

Welton Abreu Rosa

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.