The Challenge | On the Shoulders of Giants

Create a game using images from the Hubble Space Telescope as integral components!


A 2D game to help people discover the space while playing. Player will know more about galaxies, moons and planets. After Each level, the player will see a video or an article to gain new information about the space. then,a short question will be put on it


We have started to build our 2D game, depending on some pictures and assets from "Hubble telescope" and from online web stores.

our game consists of many stages, every stage will have a great gameplay experience for the player. it will be a platformer game that has a player and another objects.;like "Super Mario".

at the end of each level, an article or a video will be put for the player in order to gain new information.

then, the player will be asked a short question in order to ensure that he has earned that info.

there will be many effects to amaze the players.

at last, this game will do what we've wished as the players will gain new information about the space every time he plays our game.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.