Team Updates

Everything that happened in the period of this event was fantastic, I learned many things during those 48 hours of pure work and dedication, mainly learning from other areas that are different from mine, as well as I became aware of my work area that in the case of games. It is very gratifying to see everything going well and to see that our group has connected enough to produce our project

debora_c_fDébora Chaves Fernandes

I would like to thank the opportunity provided by Raja valley and NASA to participate! We hope NASA likes our proposal! After all, children are our future!

Video link from our prototype solution below:

tuliohTúlio Henrique

It was an incredible experience. To work with people I didn't even know in a solution I find so meaningful for the world made me believe in the power of the collective. To score second place among so many good project was phenomenal. Best thanks to NASA, RajaValley and everyone involved!

adamkirstAdam Chien Kirst
Thanks you guys for the experience! Featuring 2nd place was a real surprise, a very very good one!
Thanks you guys for the experience! Featuring 2nd place was a real surprise, a very very good one!
adamkirstAdam Chien Kirst
This is the mascot of our project. Introducing the little Hubble.
This is the mascot of our project. Introducing the little Hubble.
tuliohTúlio Henrique

We join together in a team, programmers, visual artist, philosopher, gamers, friends and passionate about learning and sharing knowledge

masfelixMarcos Aurelio Siqueira Felix

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.