The Challenge | On the Shoulders of Giants

Create a game using images from the Hubble Space Telescope as integral components!

Kardashev Quest

Kardashev Quest is a game aimed to create interest among teenager and young adults in the gaming community about the Hubble Space Telescope, space exploration, and science in general

Kardashev Quest

The team, comprised of three developers and a lawyer, designed a game aiming at raising awareness and curiosity among teenager and young adults in the gaming community about the Hubble Space Telescope, space exploration, and science in general.

The game is set in a future Earth where a technology boom led to the need to explore alternative energy sources in outer space. It uses Hubble Space Telescope's and NASA's space images as a setting to a resource exploration game, where the main character must travel through space in order to gather resources so that Earth can further develop itself, thus allowing further space travel, enabling the main character to travel to distant systems and even galaxies.

For further information on the technology employed, see the link below:


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.