Team Updates

from statistics import median
import numpy as np
import cv2
import skimage.measure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import winsound
finalnotes = []
im = cv2.imread(r'C:\Users\vikas\OneDrive\Desktop\Back ground\pillars.jpg', 0) # Can be many different formats.
x=cv2.resize(im, (1500, 1000))
x = skimage.measure.block_reduce(x, (3,3), np.max)
x = skimage.measure.block_reduce(x, (4,4), np.mean)
nim = skimage.measure.block_reduce(x, (4,4), np.mean)
notes = np.ndarray.flatten(nim)
for item in notes:
if item < 30:
elif item < 50:
elif item < 150:
elif item>150:
for n in range(0,672):
winsound.Beep(int(finalnotes[n]), 350)
artashArtash Nath
Winning the Global Nominee Award at the Space Apps Toronto Challenge
Winning the Global Nominee Award at the Space Apps Toronto Challenge
nvikasVikas Nath
Winning the People's Choice Award at the NASA Space Apps Challenge
Winning the People's Choice Award at the NASA Space Apps Challenge
nvikasVikas Nath
Presenting Deep Space Musical at the NASA Space Apps Toronto
Presenting Deep Space Musical at the NASA Space Apps Toronto
nvikasVikas Nath

We found out that Hubble Space Telescope took 1.3 million observations in last 28 years. We used some of them in our musical!

nvikasVikas Nath
Team Picture
Team Picture
nvikasVikas Nath

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.