Awards & Nominations

Decentraverse has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | On the Shoulders of Giants

Create a game using images from the Hubble Space Telescope as integral components!

Decentraverse - Make Space Great Again!

Using decentralised technologies we will turn Hubble Space telescope images into a game that will raise awareness and appreciation for the skies once more.


Our project team is composed of Jonny Rolleston, Padraig Breslin and Peter Clotworthy - who are all Software Engineer colleagues.
Our goal was to combine the technologies - Ethereum and IPFS (Interplanetary File System) with Hubble Space telescope images - to develop a decentralised mobile game, styled after the Top Trump's card game - to educate the world about the celestial bodies that make up these wonderful images.
The blockchain element of the project provides a means of funding charitable organisations passively through charging a small surcharge for the creation and minting of these 'Celestial Body' cards.

Such funds could be used on earth to pay for educational schemes to make a real difference in the places where it matters.


Open Source Technologies used:
Ethereum Blockchain (Server code wrote in Solidity)
IPFS (For file storage / hosting)

Mobile application developed in Xamarin for Android and IOS compatibility.

Jonny Rolleston - Solidity & IPFS programming
Peter Clotworthy - Xamarin App Development
Padraid Breslin - Resource Acquisition & Presentation development


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.