Mission to the Moon!

    The Challenge

    Use NASA Data to Plan a Rover Mission on the Moon!


    Scientists wouldn’t send a rover to the moon without a detailed plan. There are numerous scientific and engineering considerations that would come into play in deciding what research a lunar rover will conduct, including where it will land. Scientists use imaging data from satellites orbiting the moon to learn about its surface and guide their decision-making to choose scientifically significant landing sites.

    Astro-visualization software tools allow users to visualize the universe. Some of these tools incorporate NASA data, which NASA scientists use to plan and interpret scientific observations from space-based instruments aboard robotic spacecraft.

    Your challenge is to use NASA data to create a lunar rover mission plan to the moon, and to use astro-visualization to identify and evaluate possible landing sites for a lunar rover.

    Potential Considerations

    As you develop your mission plan and visualization, you may consider the following criteria for choosing a moon-landing site for a lunar rover:

    • What are the scientific goals of your mission? What do you hope to learn?
    • Will a rover be able to land safely and travel easily at the landing site?
    • Is it possible for a rover to search for water at the landing site?
    • How much of the moon’s geological past can be studied at the landing site?
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    SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.