Team Updates

A bit of follow up estimates that we processed over 3.4bn data points to complete our project.

james-dewesJames Dewes

For completeness' sake, here is the video with both Arctic and Antarctic views in it:

Ben Wooff
I love it when a plan comes together
I love it when a plan comes together
Ben Wooff

2809 files, one a day between 17/08/2009 and 30/04/2018, a period of 2814 days. I'm sure nobody will notice.

Ben Wooff

See the whole mesmerising video here

Ben Wooff
Kudos to Rhys for taking the data we've gathered and building this visualisation over time of the sea ice around Antarctica
Kudos to Rhys for taking the data we've gathered and building this visualisation over time of the sea ice around Antarctica
Ben Wooff

We have the data. It's scraped, converted and cropped. Now I guess we need to make it visible for other users...

Ben Wooff
Rhys is working with three.js to visualize our enormous data set!
Rhys is working with three.js to visualize our enormous data set!
Myles Tyson
Quick briefing, new team member, and better chairs.. +1 productivity
Quick briefing, new team member, and better chairs.. +1 productivity
Myles Tyson
When you're trying to prototype something in excel and accidentally make what you were after in five minutes...
When you're trying to prototype something in excel and accidentally make what you were after in five minutes...
Ben Wooff

Data set is downloading..slowly..half way there (3gb!)

Myles Tyson
james-dewesJames Dewes

We are looking at data from the British Antarctic Survey to help model the Antarctic landmass

james-dewesJames Dewes

We found that HDF_Viewer we were using to display the innards of the files from NASA was interpreting the input as a signed byte rather than an unsigned byte, meaning that we were getting duff readings for the control values of 252-255 and seeing them as -4 to -1 instead, disagreeing with the spec sheet we found afterwards.

Ben Wooff

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.