Polynomial Chaos | Polar Opposites

Awards & Nominations

Polynomial Chaos has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Polar Opposites

Design a data analysis and/or visualization tool to show the spatial and temporal changes in Arctic and Antarctic ice to a general audience.

Monitoring and Prediction of Melting Glaciers

Prediction of Melting Glaciers, analyzing several images and unstructured data provided by NASA implementing Machine Learning Algoritms, Web Interface and Augmented Reality to display the results to the user.

Polynomial Chaos

Due to industrial development and modernity, the ice on the Earth's poles have been disintegrating and because of that, the climate around the world is changing faster and more violent.

Last year, a giant iceberg twice the size of Luxembourg broke an ice shelf in the Antarctic Peninsula and was adrift in the Weddell Sea. It was discovered that the iceberg had separated from the Larsen C segment of the Larsen ice shelf. An event that, according to researchers, has changed the landscape of the Antarctic Peninsula and left the Larsen C ice shelf at its lowest point ever recorded.

Fortunately, as humans, we have been studying the poles for decades. And now Satellites, expeditions, air-bones and even submarines have been collecting a huge amount of data. So, with the data provided by NASA, such as temperaature, pressure, ice height, etc. We have developed two statistical models, which with the help of machine learning we can predict possible places of ice break in both poles, also the speed and direction of movement of the new icebergs.

Nevertheless, it's very difficult to understand and visualize this metadata to see the real status of the earth and our predictions.

Hence, our team has created a statistical and interactive application which is called “POLYNOMIAL CHAOS”.

Our system will allow researchers and scientific people to represent climate data in a more meaningful way using AR and 3D visualizations.

Therefore, we will be able to visualize statistics, physical models and machine learning predictions simultaneously in the Arctic and Antarctic poles.

As a fully developed system, it would allow governments, organizations, and communities around the world to have deep insight into the climate changes and be prepared for future treads.


GitHub Repositories


  • Kevin Ian Ruiz Vargas
  • Davy Rojas Yana
  • Miguel Angulo Rivera
  • Ana Rocabado
  • Ariel Iporre Rivas

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.