Time Travellers | Polar Quest

The Challenge | Polar Quest

Design a quest-like game to teach others about polar environments and how they are changing. Use NASA data to help adventurers plan their quest and present them with challenges along the way.

Polar simulator

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Time Travellers



-Traveling in the polar regions can be quite challenging.

-The locations are remote, and the weather is extreme. Careful planning is required to have a successful trip!

-Each year, scientists plan expeditions to the Earth's cryosphere to conduct experiments and set up field sites. They use environmental data collected over many years to know what to expect, and models predict what kind of terrain and conditions they will likely face.

- It is important for them to be able to look back at past conditions, predict future conditions, and anticipate possible hazards or dangerous scenarios. Weather, terrain, route, food, and supplies all need to be considered.

-On top of that, conditions in the cryosphere are changing. The area covered by Arctic sea ice is shrinking, glaciers are melting, and melt ponds can develop on the ice sheets in the summer months.

Resources used:-

1. https://earthdata.nasa.gov/about/daacs/daac-nsidc

2. https://earthdata.nasa.gov/discipline/cryosphere

3. https://sealevel.nasa.gov/

4. https://ice.nasa.gov/

5. https://earthdata.nasa.gov/about/science-system-de...

6. https://neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov/csb/index.php?sectio...

7. https://vesl.jpl.nasa.gov/

Overview :-

This game will help us spread awarness about polar environments and how they are changing. This we did by using NASA's data to help adventurers decide their equipment and plan their quest. This also gives the players a clear idea about the challenges along their way.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.