Awards & Nominations

Queue has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Artify the Earth

Use NASA Earth imagery data to create 1) an art piece, or 2) a tool that allows the imagery to be manipulated to create unique pieces of art.

Drone Tree Plantation

It is a tree planting system using a Drone.In this project we use Micro controller concept.



Every year, about 15 billion trees are cut down to make way for agriculture, logging and urban sprawl etc,so that global warming has raised.So our project is drone tree plantation.First our drone use the GPS tracker and scan the terrain and develops a 3D map of the area.Using the data from NASA, our drone will decide ,here the trees are suitable for planting or not.Then the drone test humidity and moisture using sensor.If those test are positive then it will sprinkle seeds.


Challenges Faced:

Due to time limit,we can''t use the Lidar UAV sensor properly.We just build a prototype of project.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.