Team Updates

  • What is PANDORA BOX ?

It's an educational kit, dedicated for children, that helps them discover The huge Universe, and have a deeper look at what lays behind the skies, composed of a mobile application, in which they choose what subject to learn more about and a Hologram projector all in one single box. The journey begins for a unique experience, unleaching their creativity & nurturing their curiosity. In addition, PANDORA's purpose is not only education, it's at the same time education and awareness, it's about making kids more aware about our planet's environmental problems and how with a one single action from them our planet could be saved. Kids are the future, and we hope one day every kid in the whole planet gets his own PANDORA BOX.

  • Our Project Presentation :
  • Data from NASA :

  • Other References :

ben meftehGhaya

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.