Team Updates

A view of team members in Helsinki from Ankara (gtalk)
A view of team members in Helsinki from Ankara (gtalk)
barisdincBaris Dinc
a view of Ankara from Helsinki
a view of Ankara from Helsinki
aybakBurcu Aybak

Launch properties will include :

  • Target and visiting orbits (LEO, MEO, GEO, Interstellar)
  • Free space for sale (Quotation)
  • View and map info
barisdincBaris Dinc
Ask for a quotation
Ask for a quotation
aybakBurcu Aybak
Compare Launches
Compare Launches
aybakBurcu Aybak
Launch Details 2
Launch Details 2
aybakBurcu Aybak
Launch Details
Launch Details
aybakBurcu Aybak
Upcoming Launches
Upcoming Launches
aybakBurcu Aybak
database from relational to noSQL converted
database from relational to noSQL converted
barisdincBaris Dinc

a template for future presentations in powerpoint format prepared and uploaded..

Power Poiunt Presentation (draft)

barisdincBaris Dinc

Movie Script prepared (but too long for 30 seconds)

  • We are virtual UNICORNS team on NASA Space Apps Challenge
  • We followed engineering guidelines to have a proper project for the challenge.
  • We found the idea, wrote requirements for our project and started designing while developing all parts in parallel to fit in 1 day long challenge.
  • Here is our team members for the project "a Marketplace For Space Travelers"
  • Our goal was to prepare a web page to inform users about upcoming launches, but we did more and more
  • There are and will be many resources on the web including NASA databases that we use with appropriate APIs
  • Not only the curious people who are willing to access and read or watch the past, current or upcoming launches
  • We have a space for those who are willing to find a launch supplier for their payloads or cargo
  • These people will be looking for a spaceflight suitable for their payload and also within their budget.
  • On the other hand the spaceflight supliers who are looking for a new cargo for their free space in the rocket will use our system to find new partners with suitable payloads. This way all the costs for a spaceflight will be optimized for everybody.
  • Of course the page will give detailed information about the launch site for the visitors. Accommodation, car rentals, restaurants, and for those who want to keep the records of the flight or stream the videos online can hire photographers here.
  • Maybe the deep space experiment organizations may use our system for finding proper resources for them.
  • Why not to become a ticket office of the future,
  • for those who want to go to space, when it becomes available for every human being within proper budget.
  • We named the meeting point "a Marketplace For Space Travelers" and implemented all the details for you. The meeting point of tomorrow, developed today.
  • You can advertise your launch here with all the information you would like to share with the public and interested parties.
  • You can search all possible launches for your payload which are suitable for your project schedule and also your budget.
  • You can catch a last minute flight maybe.
  • You can compare possibilities that suit to your needs.
  • You can check the statistics of launches, success/fail rates, rescheduling rates, and many properties with just one click.
  • You can check the site on map, you can rent a car, you can find a hotel nearby. Hire someone to take a shot of you behind the rocket scene.
  • "welcome to the gate for future of travels"
barisdincBaris Dinc
Team Stream Item
barisdincBaris Dinc

Software development started both frontend and backend

  • upcoming launches
  • launch details
  • compare-launches


barisdincBaris Dinc
Team Stream Item
barisdincBaris Dinc

Data have been taken from open resources such as . As soon as there is no information about free space sales, we got it from out heads :) . We believe, that in the future there will be service on a market.

Github PR containing data about launches

UI design basics
UI design basics
barisdincBaris Dinc
first draft sketch of architecture
first draft sketch of architecture
barisdincBaris Dinc

A brief architecture sketch is discussed using google draw....

barisdincBaris Dinc

a github page created for software and documentation

MFST Github Page

barisdincBaris Dinc


  • A search engine
  • Compare launches,
    • Price
    • Time
    • Schedule
    • Success
    • Free slots
  • Services on page
    • Transportation of payloads
    • Accomodation for tech teams and viewer
    • Technical equipment hiring/loan
    • Recording and similar services
    • Gifts, and other funny stuff about launch / payload (store)
  • The page must include some details about the launch
  • Stock exchange kind system between (marketplace)
  • Technical Information and Knowledge base Page
  • Launches done coming
  • Crowl launch information from other sites (with AI maybe)
  • Launch day services launch, hotel etc.

barisdincBaris Dinc
Started to gather the requirements for the challenge
Started to gather the requirements for the challenge
barisdincBaris Dinc
Team Voting for challenge selection
Team Voting for challenge selection
barisdincBaris Dinc

Discussed and decided tools that might be needed during team collaboration with members in different countries.

1) Online collaboration environment other than Nasa Space Apps Challenge Project Page which is very limited

(e.g.: online wiki, Slack, Asana, Podio, Ryver, Tello, etc.... at least GOOGLE Drive folder)

Google Drive Decided

Note: Please propose one which you're familiar with)

2) Video Editing software and a team member capcable of preparing the team movie

3) A better chat environment for inter-office communciations with video confrence capability (e.g.: GoogleTalk, Skype)

4) .....

barisdincBaris Dinc
Challenge summary document... ( )
Challenge summary document... ( )
barisdincBaris Dinc

Started early in the morning with a brain-storming session on possible challenges. prepared a brief summary and a voting table to select the right challenge for the team, and team member skills.

barisdincBaris Dinc

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.