The Challenge | Make Sense Out of Mars

Develop a sensor to be used by humans on Mars.

M.A.R.S.(Mars air regulate system)

Our team has created a device that allows to maintain suitable conditions of air in doms and controls the duration of light day of plants on Mars. It helps to control the level of temperature, pressure, humidity, levels of O2 and CO2 to change the climate.

TS Explorers

Each of us probably represented the future on Mars in the coming decades: people inhabit its territory, live in suitable conditions. It's hard to imagine that this will happen, isn't it? After all, there are still so many obstacles that prevent us from conquering it.

Using materials from NASA, we realized that we want to bring humanity closer to the goal 2: climate. How can we help on the way to this goal? We have created a device that allows people on Mars to maintain the necessary conditions in domes for the correct consumption and extraction of components by plants, for the regulation of the air that people breathe. After all, air is everything, and we will allow it to be controlled.

The project is based on neural network to change the duration of the session in the air, which is under development. At the moment, M.A.R.S. can tell a person data about temperature, humidity, level O2 and CO2. Also, the device has a small weight, which is very important when transporting to Mars


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.