Team Updates

We have finally updated our project page to include the video we so eagerly made in one day :)

We want to thank all of you for all the support you lended us thoughout this wonderful journey, and want to extend our congratulations to all of the participants from all around the Globe! You guys ROCK!

Thank you again, and we hope to see everyone next year with a lot more ideas that will be able to knock down every challenge faced!

Andrei Nicola

Greetings! We have just uploaded some of our source files to github, and more will come soon!

We are very sorry, but we hit a little bit of a stop when we uploaded our files, because we couln't reach the github site: sometimes it would disconnect, other times would get out a 404 message.

Here is the github link, and if any error appears when you try to download or view our files, just try again, as we did :)

Andrei Nicola
Team Stream Item
Milu Mihai Florin
Last struggle
Last struggle
Milu Mihai Florin

Asigurarea unui mediu sigur explorarii a fost o sarcinia dificila inca de cand omul si-a dorit sa cucereasca spatiul cosmic. In fiecare zi, ceea ce candva au fost doar concepte, prind forma prin incercarile neincetate ale cercetatorilor NASA de a trimite omul cat mai departe printre stele.

Marte este doar prima oprire.

Va prezentam HERMES. Inainte mergatorul primilor exploratori ce vor pune piciorul pe planeta rosie. Siguranta astronautilor este principala prioritate a echipei noastre, iar HERMES va fi cobaiul lor spatial.

Aveti in fata dumneavoastra, un concept, o idee menita sa ridice rata de success a explorarii la un alt nivel.

Apare astfel intrebarea: cum?

Sau mai degraba, unde?

Noi va spunem ca viata incepe acolo unde se termina frica. Si va putem garanta ca HERMES are curaj din plin. Explorand rand pe rand posibilele surse de pericol ale planetei rosii, colonizarea va fi cu un pas mai aproape de a de a deveni realitate.

Milu Mihai Florin
Team Stream Item
Milu Mihai Florin
Good morning sunshine
Good morning sunshine
Milu Mihai Florin
Team Stream Item
Milu Mihai Florin
Late night struggle
Late night struggle
Milu Mihai Florin
Almost in the outer space
Almost in the outer space
Milu Mihai Florin
Any engine needs fuel
Any engine needs fuel
Milu Mihai Florin
Day 1 first setup ready
Day 1 first setup ready
Milu Mihai Florin

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.