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In our project we aim to use any sensor we are capable of using to improve our mission efficiency

A big part of our project is the helmet which contains a hololens screen, we added augmented reality to which it is rich with visual information to make the astronaut relax and to let them use multiple vision methods like infrared, night vision..etc. And the astronaut can switch between those visions depending on data he wants to collect.

and a mechanism using sensitive lens to detect eye movement to control the information given on the hololens, and to keep in contact with planet earth, the astronaut can post, share at social media or make live streaming using a POV camera set on his or her chest.

And a game which will help astronauts to move due to the game rules like ( -kinect adventures Xbox ) but it will receive data by some sensors on the astronaut body .

Any astronaut should be covered during his mission with different equipment’s or accessories during that we present new features just like a Jet, for emergency situations it can be used for escaping thro the rugged terrains and it can controlled using robotic arm connected to the suit - it is optional - and a drone that carries an ultra-wave generator to seek and get the details for any closed places just like caves, and the data will get transferred to the space shuttle to analyze it and resend it to the astronaut so he can get the information as a 3D map using a hologram, the drone will capable to avoid obstacles using high sensitive sensors, and depth sensor to draw the 3D map.

suliman adeeb suliman khraishi

A traveler who refuses to pass over a bridge until he has personally tested the soundness of every part of it, is not likely to go far, something must be risked. Even in Mathematics🧠!

yahya khYahya Ahmad KH

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.