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mauritiLorrayne Lima Mauriti
sensor cluster
sensor cluster
mauritiLorrayne Lima Mauriti
3D model
3D model
mauritiLorrayne Lima Mauriti

Our challenge :

Make Sense Out of Mars

The Challenge :

Develop a sensor to be used by humans on mars.

Problems :

When you think about going to Mars one of the biggest problems are Radiation and other dangers that the explorer might be exposed to.

Solution :

Thinking about this dangers and the astronaut’s safety we developed


what is ?

Clusters of sensors conected to each other and to the suit. This clusters send information to the base and make a 3d model. This model allows us to see the explorer’s condition during the mission.

Aplication on Earth :

Sense will also be useful down here on Earth, scientists in Nuclear Plants or studying the effects of nuclear disasters will be alarmed if the radiation levels are too high.

mauritiLorrayne Lima Mauriti
simulation of sensors in the astronaut suit.
simulation of sensors in the astronaut suit.
mauritiLorrayne Lima Mauriti

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.