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The entry points in space, this subject and its contents of discussion and calculations may perhaps break some of the prevailing physical and sports laws, such as the firing of rockets into space and the required equipment and equipment.

Points and aspects of work :-

Study the launch angles from 1 and up to 89.999 degrees, from the ground as a launch base

Studying the distance and dimensions between the specific entities (X and Y), and the corresponding or reversing their status

Take the distances based on the center point (X) at a distance of (12345 ... m) from all directions and find out what points are located on the perimeter of the circle.

Switching between the specific entities (X and Y) Make (X) the center point and then make Y the center point and X point on the ocean.

The equivalent of the quinones of points if we look at the earth as a ball. We broke the ground from the place of X, what will we meet in the opposite point and the same thing for Y.

Determine the best timing of the launch year of the spacecraft


Space Penetrate Points

The entry points in space, this subject and its contents of discussion and calculations may perhaps break some of the prevailing physical and sports laws, such as the firing of rockets into space and the required equipment and equipment.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.