Modular space snack manufacturing | Invent Your Own Challenge

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3D printed screw conveyor.
3D printed screw conveyor.
Leo McElroy
glen2Glen Searle
Flow chart
Flow chart
glen2Glen Searle

var door = 6;

var AirIn = 2.2;

var AirOut = 4;

function lock () {

return union (

translate ([0,0,4],

cylinder ({r: 12, h: 30 , center: false})),

cylinder ({r: door, h: 30 , center: false})



function main () {

return difference (

union (

rotate ([0,90,0],

cylinder({r: 18, h: 92 , center: true})),

translate ([-46,-18,-18], cube({size: [92,36,18]})),

cylinder({r: AirOut, h: 28 , center: false})


rotate ([0,90,0],

cylinder({r: door, h: 100, center: true})),

translate ([22,0,-12], lock ()),

translate ([-22,0,-12], lock ()),

//Air hole

cylinder ({r: AirIn, h: 30}),

//Heater hole

translate ([0,8,-12],

rotate ([90,0,0],

cylinder({r: 2.9, h: 30})


// Sesor hole

translate ([0,-8,-6],

rotate ([90,0,0],

cylinder({r: 1, h: 30})




glen2Glen Searle
This is the vegetable production system that is on the ISS. Astronauts have grown leafy greens, vegetables, and of course grains. Rice, corn, and wheat alone make up over 60 percent of the world's food energy intake, but grains require processing before consumption. How can astronauts make use of the staple foods that they grow in space?
This is the vegetable production system that is on the ISS. Astronauts have grown leafy greens, vegetables, and of course grains. Rice, corn, and wheat alone make up over 60 percent of the world's food energy intake, but grains require processing before consumption. How can astronauts make use of the staple foods that they grow in space?
Leo McElroy
Auger drive/screw conveyor to move grain in a controlled manner on earth and in space!
Auger drive/screw conveyor to move grain in a controlled manner on earth and in space!
Leo McElroy
Encasing of auger drive to move grain in controlled manner.
Encasing of auger drive to move grain in controlled manner.
Leo McElroy
We've printed a pressure chamber.
We've printed a pressure chamber.
glen2Glen Searle
We have designed a heated pressure chamber.
We have designed a heated pressure chamber.
glen2Glen Searle

We have some heat resistant 3D printer filament, donated by, that can handel the pressure and heat needed to cook and puff grains of wheat.
The chamber has a heating element and two pressure doors. The pressure is provided by a bike pump, our plan is that nitrogen disolves into the grains during cooking and explosive decompression at the end of the cooking process causes the grains to puff into Smacks.

To do:
Make 3D printed doors that can hold 14kg/cm^2
Test if explosive decompression can be used in place of milling of grains before cooking.

glen2Glen Searle
We have a plan!
We have a plan!
glen2Glen Searle

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.