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It is an integrated system based on early warning and data storage for studies and a developed version of the health application on your phone with more features and you do not need to record data which reduces the error rate

lailayanLailayan Alajlan

This will work as sixth sense by sensors that measure the effect of external stimuli on body functions , non gravity such as : Measurement of blood pressure, blood sugar, lenghth, radiation level in the room, and percentage of gases and vitamins

so it measure anything change it can cause diseases

and store it in a micro-chip under skin.

data will automatically sent to Cyborg sense App to record and this app going

to calculating hours of sleep and activity and will give suggestions for food and sports activities and motivational alerts to maintain his good mood and it warn you early when anything change befor you get the illness .

The medical team will keep up with the health of Astronaut and use the data to be source of new research and studies coming ..!

lailayanLailayan Alajlan

SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.