The Meteorite Hunters | Looking GLOBE-ally

Awards & Nominations

The Meteorite Hunters has received the following awards and nominations. Way to go!

Global Nominee

The Challenge | Looking GLOBE-ally

Analyze and/or display data to communicate interesting findings or improve public understanding of our home planet.

Meteorites Hunters

Have you ever heared about a platform for Meteorites Hunters? Well we have created one to gather them ,we provides for Hunters events , some Meteorites Tests and much more ,Our goal is to help NASA finding more and more Meteorites .

The Meteorite Hunters

Visit our website :

what the website contain :

1- Nasa Map ( We used NASA'S open data portal of Meteorite Landings )

3- Going for a Hunt ? page ( We care about our Hunters safety this page contains Instructions for new Hunters in their first ever Trip )

4- Get ready to Hunt page (We make Events and Tours in different parts of the world for Hunters and Amateurs )

5- Test Your Meteorite page ( Do some tests in what you have found to make sure it's a Meteorite not something else ;) )

6-Have you find one ? page ( If it's a Meteorite Congratulations , you can upload Photos of your Meteorite and contact with us )

7. Store page ( Soon you Can Buy Meteorites and Exploration tools helps you to Find MORE )

We're planning to do much MORE in the future

Resource :


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.