The New Crew | Hello, Bennu!

The Challenge | Hello, Bennu!

Tell the world about the asteroid named Bennu.

Welcome, Bennu

A video that illustrates the importance of discovering the structure of asteroids and how it will help us in the future.

The New Crew

The project is very interesting and challenging. we tried to make a video that illustrates the importance of discovering the asteroids and the impact of that on our future as there are numerous people who do not care about astronomy and do not its importance. we used many resources to collect the information. we used videos, websites, research papers and other resources. Some links as:
We faced many challenges during our work on this project. Some of these problems are contributed to the designing field including graphic design and video editing and others are contributed to our research, but finally we could overcome these problems by team work.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.