The Challenge | Polar Quest

Design a quest-like game to teach others about polar environments and how they are changing. Use NASA data to help adventurers plan their quest and present them with challenges along the way.

Guia do Mochileiro das Antárticas

Gamified App to help explorers plan their trips to Antarctica better and with more safety by using NASA's databases

Polar exploration still poses a great challenge despite the sheer volume of data available. In order to visit the poles, explorers tend to feel intimidated, spend huge sums of money and still feel insecure.

Selkie can improve the success rate of expeditions by offering potential tourists and researchers a Gamified App called The Hitchhiker's Guide to Antarctica, powered by Watson, a chatbot capable of understanding natural language. Through the app, the explorer can take advantage of the data offered by NASA and convenience of the smartphone in order to make better choices regarding sea levels, freezing of seas, and equipment.

The chatbot will allow the user to access the relevant database in order to make informed decisions while at the same time educating them in regards with the importance of accurate and reliable data as well as offering potential insights.

The App is gamified, as we intend to help the community learn more about Antarctica and, by extension, care more about the place, its importance and preservation. Through a feedback loop, we hope the user to become better able to make decisions.


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.