The Challenge | Find My Cryosphere!

Design an app that lets a user pick a location and learn about the parts of Earth's cryosphere that impact that location.

Ice Trek App

The Ice Trek App helps to share data and knowledge about the changes in the Cryosphere, how these changes interfere with our lives and how the data available can contribute, through projections of this data, to minimize future damages.


The main reason for the development of the Ice Trek App is to share knowledge about the Cryosphere and its influences to the environment, climate and human life in order to attract the user's interest in the theme.

Through a simple, intuitive and user-friendly app, the user can select a glacier on the map and have access to general information such as: latitude, longitude, distance to it, territorial dimension, number of inhabitants and some curiosities about the life and its peculiarities in a glacial context.

Still in this flow, the user has access to images that show characteristics of each location, from glaciers, ice sheets to people, animals and common plants. They can also access basic information and concepts about the cryosphere and its components as well as relevant news and tips to improve your living habits from an environmental perspective, which will be periodically updated. Finally, the Ice Trek offers the opportunity for the user to test their knowledge in a playful way through the Cyrosfresh Game.

We want to offer knowledge that is still limited for the users, promoting space for the community to talk about the subject and collaborate with the popularization of the theme, aiming to raise awareness about how the cryosphere affects life around the world and how our actions can affect the cryosphere. We aim to encourage the user to change habits and attitudes that can help reduce the harmful impacts to which the cryosphere is exposed also by the influence of human attitudes. Promoting a new approach for sustainable development, responsible consumption and global health.




SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.