Selfpowered Rovers, Bio-Watermaker | Design by Nature

The Challenge | Design by Nature

Design an autonomous free-flyer to inspect a spacecraft for damage from Micro-Meteoroid and Orbital Debris (MMOD).

Coral Mission Proposal

A first flight foundation for habitation using 2 rovers, a watermaker and returns product to Earth, video used in study of regosols (2:53)

Selfpowered Rovers, Bio-Watermaker

Coral Mission - Proposal: Foundations of Closed Living Systems: ISRU to Lunar Products

Analyze ‘Regosol’ ⇒ Product Revenue on Earth via Return System, a Watermaker Demo, Metrics for Design, Science and Systems Controlling the Geostatic Layer, Spacesuits-to-Airlocks

tom mallard
Industrial & Architectual
Living System Design


SpaceDecentral: Coral Mission

Fulfilling Functional Requirements


  • Regolith refers to rocks, hence used only for ore bodies, outcrops and lavas, unique to the moon the only sedimentary process appears to be dust and meteorite accretion, lunar soils are technically *’sols’, not rocks yet, so, referred to hereafter as “regosols” and they don't appear to lithify to bedrock from lacking freewater and no air the likely cause. A thread started on geostatics, AGU Communities Forum link below.
  • The above diagram is from converting the requirements on Coral's system diagram V-0.01 into strategies, then methods and machines that conform to the many constraints imposed from any lander capacity to financing, a main goal is of making a regosol structural piece, then testing it to a high standard, and employ 3D printing that piece, or a metallic by soil type and testing it.(1)
  • This became several machines that intend to satisfy goals by interrelating them by function. So, to test glass is Coinmaker-1, for lunar or martian living a Watermaker-1 demo to gather metrics of assorted species in a biology-based production of water by a closed-cycle, as best can be done first try towards the goal of a volume reliable supply; and lastly the White Spider, a geophysical rover focused on geostatics.(2)
  • Watermaker-1 led to Gasmaker-1, easier than water to make, added to Coinmaker to use sorting regosol by using it to create vacuum vs screens for sorting to eliminate anything the dust can clog.
  • Coinmaker uses vortex rotation in custom N. Tesla “valvular conduits” resulting in 42 bins of sorted regosol to then mix, melt and test for properties from heat-pressed regosol to layered cloisonne glass.(3)
  • Together all major requirement categories and domains are fulfilled by these interrelated robotics to lay a foundation of tests and returned data for living in space with the opportunity of large sales revenue for returned products.(4)
  • The req wants ASTM level testing without water, there are only tests for ceramics and glass then, there are no tests for dry unconsolidated soils, none, and regosol is such.(5)
  • Three ASTM tests appear certifiable by the Coinmaker perhaps more, polishing is a req for the Vickers, metals aren't practical to extract from Mare soils at the next Peregrine landing site; free nickel is available for Highland soils.(6)
  • This req led to the idea of making high quality, fine-art regosol coins that are 3D printed in scenes people upload to lander via UDP also following sequential testing with tested and breakage recycled to coins.
  • The unused excess forms the basis of fine-art coins having a serial number, dated, documented and recorded for composition with all that online for sale to collectors for in-the-bank funding the next flight.(7)
  • To do this needs a no-landing return system, one proposed using a low-orbit harvester that nets synched launching of product pods to meet the pickup-refuel vehicle, then after passing product refuels the harvester to thrust up next time.(8)
  • To have electrical power during lunar nights uses a new class of electric motor arranged to be self-powering, this is feasible for EV's as well from reviewing the 3D geometry of EV motor-batteries as state-of-the-art.(9)
  • These feedback motors while simple mechanics are a novel geometry and used in most machines traditionally in other ways, it's a real debutante in using class-2 levers on electric motors which are the basic energy saver of the biological world and many industrial machines. I see no other no-fuel motive-power source to use other than magnetics for aerospace applications. (10)

MISSION CATEGORY 1: Robotics: Coinmaker, Watermaker, White Spider Geophysics

  • Coinmaker Series, 3-yr Service: Autonomous, Mobile, has Gasmaker, Lander COMM, Selfpowered, Certified Results, Glassmaking, Polishing, Cooling Oven, 3D Printing, Coin Delivery to Return Launching System.(11)
  • Watermaker Series, 3-yr Service: Lander Onboard Module, Selfpowered, New Pressure Vessel Design Scales to Surface Buildings, Test Trays for Study a Rotation of: Bacteria, Fungi, regosol Compost, Leafy Plants; Gas & Related Metrics.(12)
  • White Spider, 25-yr Service: After the snowfield that collects avalanches on the Eigerwand this rover is a 6-leg with 2-arms full of hyper-sensitive probes and can follow a meteorite track a goal beyond a long-term scientific array of sensors it lays measuring the geostatic field events and broadcasting UDP to Earth; Autonomous w/COMM, Selfpowered, Geophysical Sensing & Storage of Data, Geostatic Charge Protection, Raveling & Accretion, Surface Optics, Camera, Temps, Solar Wind, Solar Spectra, IR/LWIR, Resonance Element Detector, Temperature and Sediment Profiles, Rimmed Auger Digging.(13)

MISSION CATEGORY 2: Human Spaceflight Payload - Watermaker Series, Selfpowered Machines

  • Biosphere-3 Lesson: It failed on CO2 poisoning proving CO2 must be released to space if not chemically combined, sequestration wasn't enough an overriding constraint.(14)
  • Watermaker Series intends to discover how to remove CO2, produce O2, use anaerobic digestion for CH4 to burn for H2O knowing for 2-moles of H2O 1-mole of CO2 is produced, the maun issue to prevent acidifying the water from it on condensation.(15)
  • Self-powered Machines: The tenet is that these are the best solution for mechanical power without fuels for Mars, Moon or space, the latest magnets last at full strength well over 65-years and then can be repolarized. Consider that these magnets are being used for half the torque in EV’s, quite robust and rugged for any motor source.(16)

MISSION CATEGORY 3: Expansion - Robotics Suite

  • Habitation: Living Systems: Water: Of any need to make from-scratch it's water and burning CH4 does that with constraints in a closed, imperfect system doing an interrelated loop to find what proportions are feasible.(17)
  • Watermaker-1 is a way to test varieties of inputs over 1-3 years, trays using dew watering with squeegee harvesting to anaerobic digestion for the methane under red-blue LEDS in a pressure chamber.(18)
  • Living on the surface with a view is structurally and low danger having a regosol roof with low-angle meteorite shields. The walls are double-pane, glassy, like hyperbolic-paraboloids and thick, with half the pressure of gas in between; the second pane stops a hit, the first glass takes up energy with a percussion cone and the inner pane can be leaded for gamma resistance if lunar resources can't supply a proxy that works.(19)

DOMAIN: Commercial Mission (COM) - Coinmaker

  • Fulfilling a req for ASTM level certification of test results in strength of materials from sorted regosol that varies from lava-like to pure glass: Some percent are of high quality spheroids that are the most transparent in regosol of free silica, these are expected to fill certain bins to use as-sorted clear glass in 3D printed scenes in layers and coatings as cloisonne and at-scale architectural glass for surface buildings.(20)
  • The finished coins are loaded in 3x3 layers to 10 high as the package for the magnetic mortar launch: 22mm x 3mm x 5g x 99 = 495g net a package.(21)
  • Ballpark mfg rate about 7.5-min/coin 8-coins/hour, the constraint is the tempering-cooling oven to get about 4-hours per unit to cool them to ambient then test. Fresh glass needs correlation to hardened or tempered with polishing for hardness testing the Vickers; to do this in least volume it's a spiral vs vertical oven at 90cm.(22)
  • A Rare Revenue Opportunity: With a pickup schedule set, and the coin volume is 70k/year at 8-coins/hour the first one-third go to auction such as at Sotheby's with minimum opening bids of $1-million each and the rest go no-bid $100k to single buyers only, no-agents, gives for $4.68-billion for the 2/3 plus a minimum auction of $23.3-billion for a potential gross revenue of $28-billion for the first flight, expected service life 3-years.(24)

DOMAIN: In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) - Coinmaker, Watermaker, Gasmaker

  • The regosol has limited raw value at best, a high value is used as structural glass for surface living with a view! Not usually considered it's the pressure vessel design that counts.(25)
  • The prototype pressure vessel for Watermaker uses a nice shape that prevents catastrophic failures by geometry, it's sectional for replacing a damaged panel beyond small hits that throw an energy sapping percussion cone reducing the likelihood of penetrating the inner pane.(26)
  • With double panes and half-pressure on them both, add in testing sorted minerals for radiation blocking for surface use another aspect.(27)
  • Structurally, regosol as an adobe mixed with water and hemp fibers is really strong, the hemp growers at the surface can be used with regosol’s 10% CaO processed to slaked lime, having water, to have hemp-mortar using tbe sbiv, or bark that chemically reacts with it to make long-lasting structures that transpire moisture, don't allow fungal growth against them and have much better thermal resistance than concrete, R4.2/inch(2.54cm).(28)
  • Hemp-mortar, also called hempcrete with some cement added stands to high heat better than concrete which spalls, much less damage results and recent mixes are using rebar in foundations.(29)
  • Worth noting is the hemp fibers can be used like wire rope prestressed in tension, works fine with end plates, hemp the fiber in methods used by Nervi of pre-stressed, molded and steam-cured sections for buildings.(30)
  • ISRU opportunities are explored by this proposal via machines in place to sort and evaluate hundreds of melted combinations of regosol for strength of materials, radiation and impact resistance properties to then have the design metrics to make a wide variety of utility needs onsite in the future.(31)

DOMAIN: Operations Demonstration Mission (ODM) - Lunar Product Ship to Earth System

  • At the first meeting this domain wasn't addressed, and needing to test meant more tests are feasible for glass and ceramics, and soils use water for earthbound tests another tie to Watermaker and its need for adobe.(32)
  • Then, from geology, cores are sliced for “coins” in testing rocks, the idea to make fine art quality coins when not testing by making a type of cloisonne from broken tests and unwanted bin sorts gives a decent volume of them whether thrown away or not, the problem is sending them back.(33)
  • The magnetic launcher fits needs, that entails getting packages into it fast enough for 330 shots a pickup, it will require a magazine system that feeds yet seems typical for military machines to design reliably.(34)
  • The idea to deploy based upon the circle throw fishnets with weighted edges, some spin for a big target and at 500g each a payload of 165-kg total per pickup at three per year.(35)
  • The harvester is a difficult chore to design for service to automate, looks ok with velcro for snagging them on a spectra fiber net to pluck them and place into the transfer package, then refuel the harvester.(36)

DOMAIN: Science Appliction and then rAdvancement (SAA) - White Spider

  • As a long-time AGU & GSA member interest fell to the “sticky dust”, and, finding it a charged, layered strata accretion only and compacted more quickly by depth led to the thought of modelling and recording it.(37)
  • This became a study rover laying out sensors and evaluating soils with a goal of being able to trace a meteorite track to its end, among other metrics to be gathered and broadcast to Earth.(38)
  • To model this two boundary conditions stuck out, one at the Van der Waals radius defining a levitation layer, next a gravitational compaction until repulsion is replaced by electron sharing between molecules this reduces the positive charge and that gives a sensor change the tenet.(39)
  • With an accretion only context, the conversion continues compaction over geologic time, White Spider isn't deep yet strata may be a billion years old, thus, the resonance element tester may have a proxy way to test age, not researched yet. (40)
  • Link to AGU Communities Forum thread, open to ideas for others’ interests for studies using this rover, that's not clear yet, very formal group, members only, moderated: AGU Comm. Forum topic lunar static: members only.(41)

DOMAIN: Technolgy Demonstration Mission (TDM) - Maker Series, Selfpowered Machines

  • Consider surface living as preferred to underground aesthetically to people, with that inspiration and so much glassy “sand” to use for tones from opaque to clear glass led to an architectural glass factory as a need, Coinmaker a basis of fulfilling this.(42)
  • The risk of catastrophic failure guides home design, consider pressure tank practice is a cylinder with convex ends, yet, a paint can uses a concave end, lighter, cheaper to make, this led to using curved window panes that meet at low angles, the push from pressure in the join is almost parallel to a radius line, not outward, this a key geometric difference at failure.(43)
  • Being so novel a shape and concept it became the focus for nfg of a continuous gravity-pull pour having low pressure to the extrusion the weight providing the travel till cut off at wall height; water for this is required and recycled. Casting glass this way can produce shape and thickness while layering mix for results, adjusting melt to pond before the die there will be stretch at scale.(44)
  • From Earthship history in a dry cold climate with a greenhouse front the trouble with doorways and moisture are many, this caution affects all bulkheads for space home designers to review their problems.(45)
  • Having water, then, will create moisture transport avenues to deal with, hemp-mortar deals with them better than cement, and, the fiber become ropes for prestressed, formed, structural-piece design spoken of in meetings as a demo.(46)
  • The issue of motive power is the bottom line of this proposal, the simplicity of emf, Oersted, and mmf, Gauss, is easy to overlook, yet, self-generating machines are in business today, the bext design step is feedback motors, a class of machine using class-2 levers to advantage as a single source of external torque.(47)
  • Noting the Mercedes Benz EQ Series chassis in 3D allows self-powering most likely without any loss of acceleration and same volume, they or an equal will be contracted to make machines for self-powered designs to attain a proper rating in a timely way replacing solar panels on Peregrine to power lunar nights, same battery system.(48)
  • For theoretical views of this magnets don't “generate” forces so there's no inputs, their magnetic moments are frozen so it's geometric alignment works at high flux densities lasting >> 65-years full power using rare earths.(49)
  • With the metal at ambient it works, heat it up it doesn't; the point it's a “property” of magnetic materials to keep the flux until losing polarization first, then losing magnetization altogether by aging or temperature, they don't really last forever. (50)
  • To be self-powered, then, uses this continuous magnet-to-magnet force as half the torque posted for EV's, this means half the draw on batteries. Self-powering uses the class-2 lever to need less torque on a motor than the load demands, 4:1 advantage practical to build.(51)
  • If hindsight is a guide, production prototypes come faster, the basic strategies remain, new methods and customization also use hindsight, aka AI, thinking to progress quickly on solid regosol.(52)

IDEAS-to-DIAGRAMS: Urls, Contacts, Leads, Library


SpaceApps is a NASA incubator innovation program.